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8/16/2011 4:04:31 PM
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Illusive66 I had to log on to post this. I have not been here all that long, and I do not post that often. But, I have been lurking for a long while. YOU MADE ME POST THIS[/quote] Greetings. Perhaps it would be better if you did not post, for you seem to be trying to incite what we of the internet call a flame-war. Or, perhaps you are just a jealous child who has written a terrible fanfiction and are now jealous of the Lord of Fanfiction's story. [quote]What the hell is with this? Are you trying to bore me with two dimensional characters, a story which has obviously been made up as it went along and twists so obvious a bat could see them? Your vocabulary is limited and your intelligence is in question.[/quote] I find the characters to be very 3 dimensional. And I'm betting most novels are made up as they go along. The twists really aren't that obvious (Well, I knew Ahkrin was going to kill Restraint the moment it was said he was called by the Hierarchs). I do not believe Wolverfrog's vocabulary is limited at all, and the only person whose intelligence is in question here is yours. The writers intelligence has nothing to do with this, however. I do wish you would try to be less irrelevant. [quote]I read this story out of fascination that a story could actually gather a damned fanbase when other fan fics get no readers at all, its just unfair and retarded.[/quote] Fun-Fact: This story gets more readers because, perhaps, people like it more than other stories. That, my friend, is called an opinion. You learn something new every day, don't you? Another Fun-Fact: You are a jealous child who was probably written a terrible fanfiction. If you want viewers, please, try not to write something like this: "once upon a time m4st3r ch13f kicked ass the end". [quote]Also, I can't help but notice how overly human you make the elites, they're not tea-drinking, chocolate eating brits, they are aliens and they should be portrayed as such. You've somehow managed to make half of your fanbase -blam!-ly attracted to aliens, you are a furry machine and I seriously think you might be attracted to fricking elites too.[/quote] While I kind of agree the Sangheili seemed a little to much like humans at times, its better than "WORT WORT WORT". How dare you accuse any of his fanbase of being attracted to aliens without evidence. You sir, are an abomination! *smacks with leather glove* I know not why you think Wolver is one of those appalling creatures we call "furries". [quote]Anyway, had to get that off my chest.[/quote] Thank you for your opinion. It is important to us. Now if you'll excuse me, I must take out the trash. *throws Illusive66's opinion in a trash compactor* -Your friend, Sangheili Prophet. :) Now that that's over with, great chapters Wolverfrog. Keep 'em coming!

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