a helping hand - 5GP: swap an allies weapon for a Rocket Launcher, Fuel Rod Gun, Sniper Rifle, Beam Rifle or Brute Shot
skewer stopper - 10GP: end a players sword spree
pest control - 5GP: kill 5 drones within 10 seconds of each other
[Edited on 02.06.2012 3:10 PM PST]
They're too big and scary! -30G On Outskirts, skip fighting the first pair of hunters by reaching a load point before they spawn.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] insaneAssass1n9 Calling All Hunters - 10GP - Get 4 Hunters to the Scarab boarding platform on Great Journey These are some pretty good ones.[/quote]that one should be 100GP, do you many times you have to stab a hunter to move just a few meters [Edited on 12.16.2011 7:08 PM PST]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost Here's mine (some have hints of possible future videos from me): Thunderstorm - 10GP - Get the Thunderstorm skull starting from the armory room checkpoint without killing any enemies or perma camo glitch Sorry Sarge - 25GP - Bring Sarge to the end of Cairo Station on Legendary It Came From Above - 25GP - With Thunderstorm on and no permanent camouflage glitch, assassinate 10 Ultra Elites on Cairo Station, Legendary difficulty without dying But That's Impossible! - 50GP - Clear the bomb room on Cairo Station in less than 2 minutes, Legendary Solo all skulls on Rise My Brothers! - 25GP - Rescue all marine prisoners on Gravemind, Legendary difficulty, and bring them to the Mausoleum fight without dying None Will Be Left Behind - 10GP - Bring all possible Elites (including the 2 Spec Ops Elites that come when the 2 Grunts are killed) on Uprising to the end of the level Pacifist - 25GP - Complete Uprising on Legendary without killing any enemies and without meeting opposition (for most of the level) Calling All Hunters - 10GP - Get 4 Hunters to the Scarab boarding platform on Great Journey One Final Effort - 100GP - Bring 4 Hunters and Rtas Vadam to the Tartarus boss fight and get 6 Johnsons (or 3 or 4 if there's a limited supply)[/quote]These are some pretty good ones.
juggernaut - 40GP: survive a rocket launcher shot to the body
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] path1k [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] InvasionImminent [url=http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=5436592]I object![/url][/quote]lol, what was that?[/quote]That...was great, lol.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] InvasionImminent [url=http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=5436592]I object![/url][/quote]lol, what was that?
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Grumpy1 MIA - 100GP: find the missing TotalyMassive[/quote] [url=http://objection.mrdictionary.net/go.php?n=5436592]I object![/url]
MIA - 100GP: find the missing TotalyMassive
prevalence II - 50GP: kill an ultra elite on legendary while the thunderstorm and mythic skull is activated
Hey, that isn't yours! -20GS Find and obtain a Scarab Gun. I want that too! -15 GS Find and obtain the Envy Skull. Party Rock! -15GS Find and obtain the Birthday Party Skull. Who killed the lights? -15GS Find and obtain the Blind Skull. [Edited on 12.16.2011 3:06 PM PST]
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] path1k InvasionImminent - 50GP: kill Tartarus with the energy sword on normal[/quote] <3
InvasionImminent - 50GP: kill Tartarus with the energy sword on normal
[i]Nuclear Warfare[/i] 50G- On "The Arbiter" rack up over 70 kills using the banshee bomb and/or fuel rod gun.
Be like Grumpy: Launch from one tower to the other on Delta Halo.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] path1k [i]Sliding Ghost[/i] - 70GP: spend over 10 hours glitching ^ hope you liked that one buddy : )[/quote]Thanks path!! :D But I don't spend that much time in one day. 7 hours is closer. ;)
[i]Sliding Ghost[/i] - 70GP: spend over 10 hours glitching ^ hope you liked that one buddy : )
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HoleyMoley [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost Great Journey: Assembly of Ancients 20GP - Gather an army of 20 Councilors under 1 hour. Chamber of Ancients 30GP - Gather an army of 30 Councilors. Righteous Fury 40 GP - Gather an army of 40 Councilors and unleash them on Tartarus. Wrath of the gods 50 GP - Gather an army of 50 Councilors and get them to turn on you. Overcoming all odds 60 GP - Gather an army of 60 Councilors, get them to turn on you, and emerge triumph.[/quote]NO!!! My XBOX WOULD IMPLODED[/quote]Ok then. How about this? Brutish Delight - 700 GP - Gather an army of 70 Councilors.[/quote]We've gotta be able to save our own content with personal check points like in H2V
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] HoleyMoley [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost Great Journey: Assembly of Ancients 20GP - Gather an army of 20 Councilors under 1 hour. Chamber of Ancients 30GP - Gather an army of 30 Councilors. Righteous Fury 40 GP - Gather an army of 40 Councilors and unleash them on Tartarus. Wrath of the gods 50 GP - Gather an army of 50 Councilors and get them to turn on you. Overcoming all odds 60 GP - Gather an army of 60 Councilors, get them to turn on you, and emerge triumph.[/quote]NO!!! My XBOX WOULD IMPLODED[/quote]Ok then. How about this? Brutish Delight - 700 GP - Gather an army of 70 Councilors.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost Great Journey: Assembly of Ancients 20GP - Gather an army of 20 Councilors under 1 hour. Chamber of Ancients 30GP - Gather an army of 30 Councilors. Righteous Fury 40 GP - Gather an army of 40 Councilors and unleash them on Tartarus. Wrath of the gods 50 GP - Gather an army of 50 Councilors and get them to turn on you. Overcoming all odds 60 GP - Gather an army of 60 Councilors, get them to turn on you, and emerge triumph.[/quote]NO!!! My XBOX WOULD IMPLODED
Great Journey: Assembly of Ancients 20GP - Gather an army of 20 Councilors under 1 hour. Chamber of Ancients 30GP - Gather an army of 30 Councilors. Righteous Fury 40 GP - Gather an army of 40 Councilors and unleash them on Tartarus. Wrath of the gods 50 GP - Gather an army of 50 Councilors and get them to turn on you. Overcoming all odds 60 GP - Gather an army of 60 Councilors, get them to turn on you, and emerge triumph.
They've always been better 50g Defeat tatarus solo on legendary with only melee(no sword)
not your average plasma rifle - 10GP: commit suicide with the scarab gun [Edited on 12.14.2011 5:45 PM PST]
[i]Send me out with a bang[/i] 50G- Find the Scarab Gun.
air pirate - 100GP: exit your banshee to board an enemies banshee to survive falling to your death while they fall to their death.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sliding Ghost Hall Monitor - 5G - Surprise and make more than 7 Grunts panic. [/quote]i like that one. pick on someone your own size - 30GP: dont kill any grunts or jackals in outskirts, metropolis, delta halo, regret or gravemind [Edited on 11.22.2011 1:34 PM PST]
343IUNGLE, 20 G - Join a clan.