originally posted in:Comet
Chapter is playing its first public brawl on Saturday @ 3 PM Bungie time. Week one is Halo 4. Matchmaking and customs. Party up. Invite your friends.
Post below if interested or send friend requests to True Underdog or Sacred Icon. Let's shoot some face.
Had fun. Good stuff. Stay classy.
Was fun, thanks for the games all. Also, do meth. It is good for you.
That was really fun! I would join the group but the limit won't let me. I might leave my groups we'll see. I'll follow the group though.
Great games. Great times. Got to play with a lot of cool folks. We'll do it again real soon. Don't call us, we'll call you.
You guys still playing??
Thanks for the games!
I'm bored and feel like blastin things. Next game?
If there's an open spot and no one else waiting to get in, could someone send me an invite? Thanks.
Party is full. Next in line is: King PWNinater. Watch for an invite when we get a vacancy.
Thanks for the invite I kind of forgot about this. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
are all the slots filled?
Edited by HOOBLA911: 1/19/2013 11:07:55 PM
Here we go.
Invites going out now.
Edited by Kuma: 1/19/2013 11:07:44 PM
Invites will go out in a few. For fairness sake, I'm going to start at the beginning of the thread and work my way through the list. First come first served.
So 6 EST right?
I'll be there, 6:00 EST. I love playing big team
I won't be able to join, just made plans with the gf and I haven't seen her for a week :/ sorry guys :( have fun though, I'll be around for the next one.
So do we just send you a friend request?
I have no plans until tonight, so I should be able to make this. I'll see you online.
5PM? I can do this. I'll be on.
Like I said earlier I should be able to attend, but if the lobby is full and I'm in it and there are other people that haven't played with us before waiting, I'll be more than happy to leave.
I may be a late cause I'm hanging out with some friends today around 3 my time (noon PST) and we may be out for a little while....so we'll see. I should still be able to make it though none the less. :)
Can someone comment when it starts? Thanks
Ermehgerd. I gotz gametypez to sharez!!!!