UPDATE: Around 19 hours into the end in Australia, the things ive seen... the things ive done to survive. Its hell down here. I never knew this thread will get so big... i can now die happy :)
UPDATE!: 1 HOUR TO GO PEOPLE! Good luck new zealand!
UPDATE: 4hours till the end (Sydney, Australia) Confirmed blackouts in outer west regions.
EDIT: Thick dark clouds now all over Sydney. Thunderstorm has begun. Strong winds still here.
Australia's status (Sydney): 6 hours until the end in Australia, and we are currently experiencing heavy winds, possible thunderstorms and a very cloudy sky. Very hot during the day but now it seems to have cooled down allot. No natural disasters or hazards. Will keep updated!
Now for the rest of the flood will you please write the status of your country as we countdown to the end. Thank you and i hope to see you all in hell :)
UPDATE: Signs of the end are now in.
[quote][b]Posted[/b] by: A Stolen Fruit
[quote][b]Posted by[/b]: iRdACheef619
in California. It's pretty cold ATM. Isn't California suppose to be all shine all day?!
Does this mean something. >_>[/quote]
[quote][b]Posted by[/b]: CultMiester4000
9:03 AM
i can't see the sun
UPDATE: Possible Alien invasions have been sighted. Will keep updated.[confirmed]
List of the Deceased:
[quote][b]Emperor Gillard[/b] - Confirmed dead[/quote]
[quote][b]dazarobbo[/b] - Confirmed dead[/quote]
[quote][b]BerzerkCommando[/b] - Confirmed dead[/quote]
[quote][b]Jesse Pinkman[/b] - Confirmed dead[/quote]
[quote][b]neokilljoy [/b] - Confirmed dead[/quote]
[quote][b]A Stolen Fruit [/b] - Confirmed dead[/quote]
[quote][b]Canada[/b] - Confirmed dead[/quote]
[quote][b]aTALLmidget [/b] - Confirmed dead(Sacrificed himself for benefit of the flood)[/quote]
[quote][b]Sergeant omega[/b] - Confirmed dead[/quote]
Save this thread for updates on THE END OF THE WORLD!
[Edited on 12.21.2012 12:48 AM PST]
Lol @ your #swag
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] xGHOST270x Texas reporting in: 2:33 am CST, and all is well. Sirens going off as usual. Pretty sure cops are busting one of the residents on the block for drugs. Again. Ah the joys of living next to the college and its ghetto.[/quote] Sir care to elaborate? Have the aliens come or zombies? What abou the weather? How is the weather?
Texas reporting in: 2:33 am CST, and all is well. Sirens going off as usual. Pretty sure cops are busting one of the residents on the block for drugs. Again. Ah the joys of living next to the college and its ghetto.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aTALLmidget [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Prototype117 *takes hat of and tears up* True floodian right there :'( respect mang.[/quote] It's been an honor, floodian. [/quote] :'( Likewise. You will be remembered.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Prototype117 *takes hat of and tears up* True floodian right there :'( respect mang.[/quote] It's been an honor, floodian.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aTALLmidget [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Prototype117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aTALLmidget West Coast reporting in! the 21st is here, all quiet on the western front... The day is just beginning, however. Massive casualties are expected, collateral damage will be extensive.[/quote] Good luck out there fellow floodian. Please inform this thread if you are dead. Thank you, see your on the other side mate.[/quote] Yes sir, before the end comes, I'll sacrifice myself to allow the rest of you to know![/quote] *takes hat of and tears up* True floodian right there :'( respect mang.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Prototype117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aTALLmidget West Coast reporting in! the 21st is here, all quiet on the western front... The day is just beginning, however. Massive casualties are expected, collateral damage will be extensive.[/quote] Good luck out there fellow floodian. Please inform this thread if you are dead. Thank you, see your on the other side mate.[/quote] Yes sir, before the end comes, I'll sacrifice myself to allow the rest of you to know!
Getting ready in the east side of Canada by preparing lots of bacon and hiding in igloos.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] aTALLmidget West Coast reporting in! the 21st is here, all quiet on the western front... The day is just beginning, however. Massive casualties are expected, collateral damage will be extensive.[/quote] Good luck out there fellow floodian. Please inform this thread if you are dead. Thank you, see your on the other side mate.
West Coast reporting in! the 21st is here, all quiet on the western front... The day is just beginning, however. Massive casualties are expected, collateral damage will be extensive.
The time has passed. We are in the 14th baktun
Fellow floodians. Moment of silence for A Stolen Fruit and Canada who were confirmed dead in these dark times. r.i.p
16 hours in. Still nothing.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] DecepticonCobra Got some carnivorous jam scrapping at my door. Making toast.[/quote] Oh yea we have carnivorous kangaroos in Aussie. Sacrifice your limbs and they will go away.(Im typing this with my chin)
Got some carnivorous jam scrapping at my door. Making toast.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Prototype117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mayan Apocalypse It's all over! [/quote] FILTHY MAYANS! You caused all this. How do you sleep at night! [/quote] SLEEP WHEN YOU'RE DEAD!
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mayan Apocalypse It's all over! [/quote] FILTHY MAYANS! You caused all this. How do you sleep at night!
Let's go betches! Time for some R.E.M!
California. STILL LIVING!
Oregon has been nuked I am the only survivor.
It's all over!
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] F3nrix Uhh guys, I'm trying to type as quietly as possible right now... [url=http://www.google.co.nz/imgres?q=nz+monster+attack+cartoon&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&tbo=d&tbm=isch&tbnid=SxMWCDm15MmBZM:&imgrefurl=http://www.davidbordwell.net/blog/2008/01/25/a-behemoth-from-the-dead-zone/&docid=SGJxSyuWkgmBtM&imgurl=http://www.davidbordwell.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/godzilla-400.jpg&w=400&h=289&ei=0RXUUOK8IvGQiAehl4CAAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1135&vpy=292&dur=3383&hovh=191&hovw=264&tx=223&ty=107&sig=107244713014102337135&page=2&tbnh=130&tbnw=168&start=37&ndsp=49&ved=1t:429,r:55,s:0,i:257&biw=1440&bih=775]Here's a photo of outside my window...[/url][/quote] no doubt an agent of the menacing toasters!
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] tacomaster13 Chillin in SoCal with a Santa hat on, still listening to Blink 182 like last night. Bring it on Mayans! I shall wear my Ray Lewis jersey tomorrow in celebration of victory! In the words of Philip J. Fry-"I wish they'd just wipe humanity out and get it over with. It's the waiting I can't stand." [/quote]North county SD -blam!- yeah
Uhh guys, I'm trying to type as quietly as possible right now... [url=http://www.google.co.nz/imgres?q=nz+monster+attack+cartoon&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&tbo=d&tbm=isch&tbnid=SxMWCDm15MmBZM:&imgrefurl=http://www.davidbordwell.net/blog/2008/01/25/a-behemoth-from-the-dead-zone/&docid=SGJxSyuWkgmBtM&imgurl=http://www.davidbordwell.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/godzilla-400.jpg&w=400&h=289&ei=0RXUUOK8IvGQiAehl4CAAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1135&vpy=292&dur=3383&hovh=191&hovw=264&tx=223&ty=107&sig=107244713014102337135&page=2&tbnh=130&tbnw=168&start=37&ndsp=49&ved=1t:429,r:55,s:0,i:257&biw=1440&bih=775]Here's a photo of outside my window...[/url]
cold as usual... .... OMg they are here... please protect me from them please... they are ahhhhhh [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Prototype117 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BestSpartan117 Mexico is safe... wait OMG NO NO Oh please no NO NO NO! ahhhhhhh..............[/quote] Sir will you please describe the weather over there?[/quote]
2 million dead in the first day, another 7 million by the end of the first week. Every defense force annihilated. All our forces on the run, regrouping...somewhere. Reports are coming in from other major cities, it's a well coordinated attack, and so far its been damn effective. Don't know what they are, what they want, or where they come from. Only know one thing for sure. If Shepard doesn't bring help soon, there won't be an earth left to save.