I am a teenager and I still have perfect 20/20 vision. Now, I'm not expecting this to last, so I have a question.
How do you know when you need glasses? Do you just wake up one day, and your vision is blurry?
Edited by VerticalGradient: 1/18/2013 3:42:12 AMI've worn corrective lenses since grade school. I had an eye examination and found that my vision was quite poor, and I also had a lazy eye. The lazy eye has long since been corrected, but my vision's pretty much the same, I think. I mean, when you don't have glasses you don't really know what you're missing, right? My sister got glasses sometime after I did, because she tried mine on and found that she could see much better. I think that if you have 20/20, you'll be able to eventually notice deteriorating eyesight.