What's up guys. Tell me what kind of Engineer you are, or what you're majoring in.
Tell me personal qualities about yourself that make you more fit for that specific type of engineer, what you like most about that type of engineer etc. GOGOGO
I recently changed my major to Mechanical Engineer from Civil Engineer, at first I just picked a random Engineering major because I was just good at math and was a very logical thinker, but once I took my first technical drawing/drafting/engineering graphics class, I fell in love with Mechanical. Even when I was like 12 I used to make technical drawings with front, back, and side views for things I had around the house, and the more I learn about Mechanical Engineering, the more I love it.
If there are any mechanical engineer majors here tell me what YOU love about it. If you're not a ME, then what do you love about your type of Engineering.
Edited by halo: 1/18/2013 10:29:12 PMNo way I'm the only one here. I'm excited to work along Electrical Engineers, because honestly I don't grasp those concepts as well as Mechanical. Maybe it's because the thought of machines, steel, just seems more concrete and solid to me. I feel very comfortable working with machines. Of course I'll have to understand these concepts, but it's not like I'll be inventing/improving whole machines by myself, I'll be collaborating with others. I wish I had enough confidence in myself to believe I could invent the next big thing, but the odds are slim and at this time I have no ideas lol