But yet in that video they are playing spartan ops on the multiplayer map vortex. And in another spartan ops video they said that they would return to a certain level 3 times. So much for new and not re-used environments.
Yeah, I know what you mean. I mean, what the hell 343i? [url]http://i2.minus.com/iNW8Sw4GkNXTc.png[/url] [url]http://i5.minus.com/i4EqoFMadV4Ky.png[/url] [url]http://i7.minus.com/iBBMzXZe3W8QA.png[/url] [url]http://i2.minus.com/iFX278dJqBaxL.png[/url] [url]http://i3.minus.com/ibvTP4q1rv263g.png[/url] [url]http://i5.minus.com/iTE5ArncKyohQ.png[/url] [url]http://i1.minus.com/iRbhHENL72khE.png[/url] [url]http://i6.minus.com/ibrAyZyWDU4lKQ.png[/url] [url]http://i4.minus.com/i7Fhki2ZfdhVV.png[/url] [url]http://i1.minus.com/iocIxdqQ1AvVj.png[/url] Like all of those are reused environments. How lazy can you get? Seriously! ... Pull your head out.