So yesterday a friend and I were out. We waited for a lift and an older woman waited behind us. When the door opened, I stood back and let her in first. In the lift, she said "Thanks, it's nice to see young men with manners for once"
And this got me thinking. Why do alot of teenagers in England treat old people like trash? We've all heard about it, teens attacking and mugging old ladies, breaking into old people's homes and robbing them.
How little respect do you have to have to do this? Though I do love hearing stories about when teens try to attack old people and get knocked the -blam!- out.
P.S Yes I'm aware it isn't the majority of teenagers.
Sure it isn't the other way around? Sure was for me.
lol europe
the doctor diasproves
[quote]Why do alot of teenagers in England treat old people like trash?[/quote] Probably because they're easy targets. Old, frail, passive, no-one takes them seriously.
I totally agree. I blame parents setting bad examples.
I know, british kids are dicks to old people. I mean look at this video
'Cus chavs; scum of the Earth. Also, it isn't only England y'know.
Edited by Mitochondrion: 1/19/2013 6:52:00 PMBecause respect is earnt not given.
When I was working at McDizzle in Nevada. A couple about in their 40s bought a meal, they both went to the bathroom some teens who always ask for water cups come in. And they see the food and take like big bites out of the couples food. If that's not rude I don't know what is.
Do they also dress in all white with a codpiece and wear black derbies?
Its just the youth of today. And there incompetent parents
Works both ways
Hey it works both ways. Old people are very rude and feel everybody should do what ever they ask and nothing is good enough. Just like some teenagers. Its amazing how rude the coffin dodgers can be.
I hope you're also aware that it's not just England...
I think it really has to do with society in general having a bias towards teenagers in general. So it's really hard to expect it to work the other way around in today's generation.
It's the age when people are most likely to be dicks. Dem hormones.
Bad parenting mostly.
They lived long enough.
Edited by SonOfTheShire: 1/19/2013 6:04:45 PMI have a theory that the "old" people who get attacked in those stories are actually alien lizard-men in disguise, and the "delinquent" teenagers are actually secret freedom fighters trying to stop the invasion.
I blame the parents. I really do.
your time is over old man