So I finished jogging yesterday (only four miles, but a good start) and tossed my info into MyFitnessPal for analysis. A guy my size burned about 500 calories from that. I was all happy and proud - until I looked up towards my meals and found that I essentially only burned off my lunch. That got me thinking, I put in an hour of effort and I'm certainly sore today, but I could have essentially accomplished the same goal with two fingers and 30 seconds.
I haven't made any decisions yet, this wouldn't be a daily event, and I'm certainly not going to quit exercising in favor of this frankly lazy and dangerous solution. But what if I were to purge maybe once or twice a week after eating something particularly full of calories as a treat (like a piece of chocolate or something)? Would that be so dangerous?
The point of eating is to get nutrients. If you eat and then work out, your body is still getting those nutrients and actually using them to build muscle and make your body healthier. When you simply throw it up, your body doesn't get those nutrients and it takes away from your actual muscle. So yes, even throwing up after eating every once and a while is not good for you.