originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
Anyone else a fan of the show? Right now I think it's one of the best comedies on television. New season came out recently.
Some episodes are hilarious. Others, I find myself wishing they'd kill off the obnoxious little pigmy Adam.
Great show.
Edited by HurtfulTurkey: 1/21/2013 7:17:00 AMSaw it was on TV, had never seen it before. The guys got horny over a girl at work so they masturbated in a car together. I've never watched the show since. It's like the lowest of the lowbrow comedies out right now.
Yup. Love it.
Edited by Apple: 8/16/2015 6:29:59 PMFAFWA
Gotta stay fresh.
I -blam!-ing love it. I understand it's not for everybody but people who don't like it are suspect to me.
I love it. I just recently got into it when a few friends and I watched the entire first season when we were all hungover yesterday morning. Such a good morning. We all almost died of laughter. I'm downloading the second season at the moment.
Great show, very tight butthole. The season opener reminded me of the Mr. Garrison sex change season opener for South Park. I cannot watch that SP ep ever again so cringe inducing, I won't be watching the booger part ever again either lol although making Jet Set crap his pants was awesome.
Haven't seen the new season. All I know is that this thread could use more... [b][i]POOP DOLLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR[/I][/B]
I'm a big fan, but the newest episode was just wierd.