If gun restrictions worked, then DC would be the safest place ever. Texas is one of the loosest states in terms of gun control and I have never seen someone get a gun pulled on them for anything. In DC someone got a gun pulled on them for tailgaiting.
Concealed Carry helps stop crime. FACT.
Put different cultures in confined spaces and you have an increase in crime. FACT. This is where most gun crime is.
Trying to stop school shootings is like trying to stop getting struck by lightning. Both are rare and there is little you can do about it. FACT.
Gun laws don't stop crime either. Someone can just as easily -blam!- someone at knife point, rob someone at knife point, or kill someone with a knife. Ban a gun and they'll use an alternative to do bad things.
Bring up Sweden as an example, well Sweden has a pretty singular culture. When you get a mixing pot of different cultures is where you start to get crime. This is the root of the problem, and unless you plan on making this country a one race, one culture country, then high crime will just be a part of it. Same thing happens to every country. Look at Greece. Crime rate has risen at the same time illegal immigration has. FACT. I have family in the middle of that.
Edited by RIP delta: 1/23/2013 9:09:31 PM[quote] Bring up Sweden as an example, well Sweden has a pretty singular culture.[/quote] I feel like you completely made that up because you're obviously oblivious to the current issues in Scandinavia Also people always say "Look at Chicago and DC", ever so lusciously, and obviously 'accidentally', overlooking the fact that those two areas have pretty rampant gang problems?
Humans are dumb, panicky and dangerous Animals. FACT.
OP says he's never seen someone pull a gun in Texas so it must not happen that often. Rock solid proof there... I live in Florida and I've never seen someone pull a gun. It must mean gun crime is pretty low.
im not saying your lying but could you provide a source or two for your statements?
*facepalm* Actually, the situation is a whole lot more complicated than that. To be frank, I am sick to death of all these simplistic claims from both sides of the debate. It makes everyone making them look stupid as hell, and not witty like they hoped. In this case, OP is stupidly overlooking the fact that poverty has more to do with crime than guns. He's trying to look smart, but you can't get past these simplistic statements. They make him look as naive as the people saying banning guns will solve the problems. Obviously that doesn't work either. I really do not care one way or the other if assault rifles, armor piercing rounds or even if all guns were banned. It wouldn't effect me in the slightest. I am just so very tired of these insincere "gotcha" statements being tossed around by both sides.
How about we just not ban them? Then Cut welfare off, wait till everyone kills each other, and then profit.
Most gun crime happens in big metropolitan areas where the population exceeds 250,000. You can even see track down to the neighborhoods where most crime happens. Instead of banning guns do things to get rid of poverty and better the education there.
Edited by Gruntzilla24: 1/22/2013 10:12:48 PMDC's gun laws are only ineffective because guns can be brought INTO the city, despite the laws WITHIN the city. 1% of gun stores are supplying 57% of weapons used by criminals. If we had federally mandated background checks and mental health screenings, or any policy that would work, gun free zones would be the SAFEST PLACES YOU COULD BE. Gun control stops these weapons from being sold to criminals! But the far-right paranoid idiots want you to believe that small changes in our gun legislation is somehow a bad thing. I think you should be able to have a gun in this country, and if we are able to stop these mass shootings, I see nothing wrong with the ownership of semi-automatic sporting rifles.
If? Have you seen the rest of the western world?
"banning" things doesnt work. Alchohol ? Failure. Drugs ? Failure. a ban on guns would fail just as hard
If gun control worked, America would have a worse gun safety / crime record than other countries. Of course, America actually has a very low rate of gun crime in comparison to other countries, so obviously gun control is silly.
Or you could just look at the ban in the 90's. It's fairly hard to compare other country to the US who lack the culture where firearms crucial.