This is not a rant on people who are happy all the time. Okay? I'm just asking if it's even possible to be like that and furthermore if you'd even want to be like that. I'm thinking you can pretend you're happy, but you can never actually be truly happy without having some sad or mad to allow you to appreciate good things. And if you have to, you can mention people you know who are happy all the time and if you hate them or whatever it is.
What do you think?
I quite like having more emotions than just one.
Hello! I'm someone who's happy pretty much all the time! But you're right, there are definitely things that have made me sad, or mad, but I always get over them pretty quickly! Maybe I'm just weird and my brain does some funky stuff that keeps me happy, I dunno!
I think it's impossible to be happy ALL the time. Life is shitty, and bad things happen. The people who don't show any negative emotions are people you should be concerned about.