If gun restrictions worked, then DC would be the safest place ever. Texas is one of the loosest states in terms of gun control and I have never seen someone get a gun pulled on them for anything. In DC someone got a gun pulled on them for tailgaiting.
Concealed Carry helps stop crime. FACT.
Put different cultures in confined spaces and you have an increase in crime. FACT. This is where most gun crime is.
Trying to stop school shootings is like trying to stop getting struck by lightning. Both are rare and there is little you can do about it. FACT.
Gun laws don't stop crime either. Someone can just as easily -blam!- someone at knife point, rob someone at knife point, or kill someone with a knife. Ban a gun and they'll use an alternative to do bad things.
Bring up Sweden as an example, well Sweden has a pretty singular culture. When you get a mixing pot of different cultures is where you start to get crime. This is the root of the problem, and unless you plan on making this country a one race, one culture country, then high crime will just be a part of it. Same thing happens to every country. Look at Greece. Crime rate has risen at the same time illegal immigration has. FACT. I have family in the middle of that.
How about we just not ban them? Then Cut welfare off, wait till everyone kills each other, and then profit.