I know you guys are going to want to practice all the new text markup options. Do it here, [color=red]or else[/color]. =)
The tags and their descriptions are on the right side bar. If you need any help, just ask!
[color=green]omg it works[/color] =D
Edited by Quantum: 1/20/2013 4:08:40 AMWhy did you necro this violet?
[sarcasm]Do the sarcasm tags work?[/sarcasm] And this thread, how I have missed you.
Edited by DarkSunnyboy: 1/20/2013 3:58:46 AMWait this is 9 years old...
Edited by Violet: 1/20/2013 3:53:38 AM
Started a new topic: Should color tags be brought back?(2 Replies))
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] cribbageman75 but will it be [b][i]too[/i][/b] [green]cooltacular[/green] for puny earth humans.(as opposed to puny outer space humans... I think) p.s. how do you do the colors?[/quote] for color...(this is for light blue, exactly) [color=light blue][color=light blue]text[/color][/color]
but will it be [b][i]too[/i][/b] [green]cooltacular[/green] for puny earth humans.(as opposed to puny outer space humans... I think) p.s. how do you do the colors?
So does this mean some HTML fun is going to happen! Or is there like a certain code I must use to change my color? All right lets try to see if I can get this color. [color=#FF33FF]TeXT[/color]
[color=red][i][b]B[/color][color=green]L[/color][color=blue]A[/color][color=black]R[/color][color=pink]G[/color][color=yellow]N[/color][color=red]A[/color][color=blue]G[/color][color=green]L[/color][color=purple] A[/color][color=violet]R[/color][color=black]G[/color][color=white]Y[/color]![/i][/b] [Edited on 4/13/2004 9:27:27 PM]
Forum testing, [b]1[/b], [i]2[/i], [b]3[/b]......
[color=blue][url=http://vip.re-kwest.com/][b]VIP[/b][/url][/color] [i]pwns joo!!!![/i]
God, for the seizure succeptable around here, please don't.
Need [B]to[/B] [I]test[/I] this thing...hm... Hey, we can use out own font all over, right? Like if I stick iwth orange all around or something... I may do that. [QUOTE]Do it today cuz tomorrow it might be illegal[/QUOTE] [COLOR= orange]Ribbit...[/COLOR]
Whooooo. The new place looks awesome! ::gasp:: CHARS on the bottom-left are amazing!
[color=green][b]Halo 2[/b][/color] is going to be awesome.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] stosh Yea I mean learning new markup tags is a lot better than DEATH![/quote] Not necessarily true.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Sigma Ah, I liked the link name= way of doing it better, but meh. I'll survive. [/quote] Yea I mean learning new markup tags is a lot better than DEATH!
Ah, I liked the link name= way of doing it better, but meh. I'll survive.
Oh, cool, it's basically [url=http://zoo.nightstar.net//faq.php?mode=bbcode]BBCode[/url]. Not bad. Of course, [color=red]I'm[/color] [b]very[/b] [i][color=green]fond[/color][/i] [u]of[/u] BBCode, since it made it much easier for me to learn HTML. (Yes, I learned forum codes first, then HTML. Backward, I know . . . ) And now I'll stop with the annoying stuff. Mostly.
Hmm... [b]blam![/b]
/blah did i do good? aniway, thanks for the tip -