I have Attention Deficit Disorder. I've had it my whole life, and I've finally come to realize that it may be the reason why I'm struggling so much in my senior year of college.
I've been on medications for ADD for over a decade, but I feel like it's not enough anymore, even with the heavy dosage I'm taking.
I've heard you can get a personal coach or therapist who teaches you how to manage your ADD without medications. Is that true or is it a scam?
Please help me out, Flood.
For the first couple years after I was diagnosed with ADD (around 13-14) I saw a psychiatrist and he helped me considerably, to the point where I actually stopped taking medication by the time I was 16 or so because I was generally able to manage myself without it.
I don't believe in taking medications. There are far too many side effects associated with them and I think I could do a better job treating it myself.
I'm dyslexic and it shares the vast majority of symptoms. You can be taught concentration skills etc. I personally wouldn't go on the drugs, but that's just me. I would much rather try to do it via natural learning methods etc.
I know what you're talking about, I have the same proble- ooh look a butterfly! I'm sorry, you were sayi- ooh shiny penny!
Adderall has worked great for me throughout college. That, plus learning some better organizational skills.
Management and order is a big help when going off the medication. Ive had it and was an early diagnose in the late 80's. I stopped taking it after HS, and found organization is the biggest help. Also if the meds arent working have you tried everything? I found adderall to be the only one that ever truly worked for me.
For mental health issues, often times a singular solution is not viable for everyone. For some, just medication might suffice (for that matter it may take a while to find the right medication). Others coaching and training. And for some combinations of the two may be effective. ADD can be a bit tricky given the nature of the disorder. In my psychology studies though, I found myself to take rather humanistic approaches and firmly believe that with the right motivation and guidance, most things can be overcome without medication. I suggest exploring your options. It's not a scam, it just may or may not be the right solution for you.
I've been off my Adderall for about 5 years, after taking it for around 10 years. It was hard to manage at first, but gets easier over time.
Stop using medications as a crutch.
Can't help you very much with that, but I know back at my school we had an assistant that helped with stuff like that. She was rotated between various classes for folks such as yourself and others. It's all really far down in my memory at this point, but I'm assuming your school doesn't have somebody like that?