Oh yes, this is happening.
Fair warning, obviously this is not going to be as simple as it was before, as you actually have to look BELOW you now to answer the question. I know, I know, difficult shit. But you'll get through it.
Replying to individual posts will most likely screw things up, so if you stick to comments then it might actually work.
Worth a shot?
[quote]Eli[/quote] Nope, I got a blank on you....
[quote]Thejuicemann[/quote] yeaa
No but a lil birdy told me that he's cool.
[quote]Agent Wolf[/quote] From bungieball
[quote]Bastage[/quote] Of coz!
[quote]Space Whale[/quote] Who doesn't?
[quote]Arcoloid[/quote] Yes, he is an exceptionwhale member of TFL.
[quote]llx luke xlll [/quote] yup
Agent wolf
[quote]Eli[/quote] Germany! [b]*Salutes*[/b]
Just because I'm curious who knows me. I'm doing this for a third time...
[quote]Fun Timer[/quote] yes
Mr. Kay For once, I don't know the poster. Odd.
I just saw Rewarding for the first time about an hour ago.
[quote]Fun Timer[/quote] i recognize the name i think
Fun Timer I don't know him personally but I have seen him around on the new Bungie.net, never saw him on Bungie.old.
Fun Timer? Of course! He's me and I'm him!
[quote]iGhost[/quote] Nope. [spoiler]*clever iPhone joke*[/spoiler]
Nope. Sorry.
Nope can't say that I do.
Darkarow Who the -blam!- is that? WHO ARE ALL OF YOU!?