Oh yes, this is happening.
Fair warning, obviously this is not going to be as simple as it was before, as you actually have to look BELOW you now to answer the question. I know, I know, difficult shit. But you'll get through it.
Replying to individual posts will most likely screw things up, so if you stick to comments then it might actually work.
Worth a shot?
Nope, I do not believe I have ever seen clueless.
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Edited by TuffJuice: 1/11/2013 4:16:16 PM
Nobody! D:
I do not recognize "Latsu".
Sorry seven, i havent ever seen your name before.
I have no idea who Shifty McKey is.
I don't recognize Zayah 117
I know Sandtrap.
No idea. :(
I actually recognize upwards of 40% of the posters here. Name change isn't as big as a problem that some people here suggest.
who da hell r u
No. And with all the name changes I won't recognize anyone.
Yep, I recognize sandtrap. Doubt anyone will recognize me. It's been nearly four years since I was here.
Edited by Sandtrap: 1/11/2013 2:43:50 PMI don't recognize Zayah117. If it makes anyone feel better I recognize Goat, Sigma, Don't pass gass, and spartain Ken.
ArcGuard? No.
I do not. But then, I don't really know anyone.
Sigma617. I kind of think I would know you, but this new layout makes me not sure.
Nope. I do recognize some of the members in this thread but with all of the name changing it's going to be hard to recognize anyone.
Nope, I don't recognize Zayah117