Oh yes, this is happening.
Fair warning, obviously this is not going to be as simple as it was before, as you actually have to look BELOW you now to answer the question. I know, I know, difficult shit. But you'll get through it.
Replying to individual posts will most likely screw things up, so if you stick to comments then it might actually work.
Worth a shot?
How could I [i]not[/i] recognize my favorite concubine?
I have no idea who you are, sorry AR IS4 NUBS.
i know a cortana, cortana five though....i do not
Who the heck is LoneWolf? Sorry, bro. CTN. I KNOW YOU. Come here. Let me hold you. Softly. Gently.
I don't think so....
Actually yes....
Pretty sure I do.
I can't tell if I know him or not...
Yes I do.
Yep, I think I follow him on my twitter account.
Its funny because I changed my name Also you are correct some cguy789
I already screwed up -_-... yes I know moondawg.
Nope and I doubt anyone will recognize me being mostly a Lurker.
Edited by MoonDawg: 1/11/2013 6:22:59 AMSqwaby[i]who[/i]?
Hell knaw
Yes, but only because I've seen him a lot today.
I could never for the life of me ever remember "lordcrusnik1986". No offense pal.
Edited by lordcrusnik1986: 1/11/2013 6:05:30 AMi do not recognize soulstealer
Sorry, but no.
Nope, but you sound tasty.