Watch this and start at 1:07:30
This is for all the people who think that it is impossible for science and religion to coexist. For someone to believe and accept both. Take what he says to heart damn it. So atheists drop the idea that all theists are dumb, they aren't. Not all atheists are that smart either for that matter.
I am a man of science and faith. Always have been and always will. I don't find it hard to reconcile them both. It is perhaps easier for me and people of my particular Christan faith to accept this because how we've come to understand the role of the Bible. The Catholic church generally follows that Bible isn't meant to be taken literally, but rather there are some "Divine Accommodations" that cannot be accounted for. The "Divine Accommodation" basically means that Bible's purpose is to convey God's love and story to use, not to be used as a historical or scientific explination for God's mystery. To quote someone who spoke this better that I, "The Bible is to be interpreted in view of the fact that it is an accommodation of Divine truths to human minds: God the infinite communicating with man the finite... We must be careful, then, not to push accommodating language about God and His nature to literal extremes. God does not have feathers and wings (e.g., Psalms 17:8); nor is He our literal Father in the same sense our earthly father is." -John Calvin