originally posted in:The Bird People
How much longer do we have guys, I hear Rose may be finding out about it as we speak...
I hope the trollers find it soon. This new layout really sucks and who knows what the return of the trolls could lead to. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RockdaleRooster There was already an attempt to bring back porch day.[/quote] Oh god yes. [i]Porch day must return.[/i]
There was already an attempt to bring back porch day.
Even if people start trolling you now have the ability to self-moderate and kind of "ban" those users by muting them. The mods will still ban people, but now you can make them go away before they are smashed by the banhammer. Have fun!
id give it 2 days for bnet trolls of yore, 3 weeks for new comer trolls