Do you support equal marriage rights and legal benefits? Call it something other than marriage? Against it entirely?
Discuss. Explain your position.
Edited by Døøb: 1/6/2015 2:42:51 AMIf you're not mature, don't read this. If 2 males were to bang, would there be a baby? No. If 2 people of the opposite sex were to bang, there would be a baby. Same sex marriage does not match nature. It doesn't really help society, either-protests, governments setting aside things to deal with protests and laws about gay marraige.
Sure, I think whatever two people do in the bedroom is up to them. If two people love each other who am I to decide what they can do?
Never heard an argument against same sex marriage that made sense, basically if 2 people love each other why shouldn't they be allowed to get married... Isn't that the only reason people get married? Don't need to be married to have kids or married to live together so I don't see the issue.
Doesn't effect me personally. But a lot of things come with marriage(financially/dependence/etc) so why not.
Homos are gay... [spoiler]gays are homo[/spoiler]
I feel like I've met you before max...
I honestly don't care if they do or don't. I dont hate gay people but that doesnt mean I have to agree with them. People are free to choose their own path regardless of whether I think it is wrong or not.
[quote]Do you support equal marriage rights and legal benefits? Call it something other than marriage? Against it entirely? Discuss. Explain your position.[/quote] 000000000 -blam!- GIVENS 👌👌👌👌 bosss
I literally don't give a fuc
Congrats 2 people are getting married no different then if me and your sister were to get hitched...sorry I had to be an asshole in some way please don't take it personally
Yes, yes, yes.
Edited by Bloom Unknown : 1/6/2015 4:29:38 AMMorally I'm fine with it. Legally, it is unconstitutional and undemocratic to deny gays the right to marry and its legal privileges. Don't care what you call it but the rights and privileges must be equal under the law. Edit: If anyone is interested in learning something look up the history of marriage throughout the world. There are many renditions from many cultures. Conflating our government and public policies with Christian doctrine is not healthy for our democracy.
What ever floats your boat that's fine with me
Fine with me. People should be happy.
equal benefits, but no preacher. no marriage.
I just don't call it marriage. I like to think of it a a legal "union" between two people that happen to be the same sex. But I like to ignore what happens behind closed doors (in cases like this). IMO, It's not a true religious marriage.
I understand why they want equality and to have that option but; marriage sucks sometimes; and not in a good way :p
I support same-sex marriage, however I have little hope that it'll be totally legalized anytime soon. The government has come to a compromise to satisfy both sides of the argument and they'll more than likely let the subject simmer down before touching on it again.
I support gay marriage. I haven't heard a single argument that has made me think otherwise, unlike most controversial topics.
I honestly don't give a shit
Mad Max, do you agree with my statement below?
Ha, [i][b]GAAAAAAAY[/b][/i]
i domt care about it. it can happem so long as no one disturbs me about or tries to rub it in anyones face