Do you support equal marriage rights and legal benefits? Call it something other than marriage? Against it entirely?
Discuss. Explain your position.
i domt care about it. it can happem so long as no one disturbs me about or tries to rub it in anyones face
I hate everything sex
I totally support gay marriage... long as the two chicks are hot!
I'm all for it... everyone should have a chance to be miserable, no matter their sexual orientation.
I think it becomes an issue of the separation between church and state. I do not have any problem with homosexuals marrying, but they need to accept that many churches will not marry them because it is against their religion. If they are happy with a civil union from the state then that's great and they should get one and live happily. If they Insist on receiving a religious marriage, then there's going to be problems because some homosexual people have tried to appeal to the government to force a church to marry them. That's why I think the separation between church and state needs to be maintained. I do not hate gay people but at the same time I want my own religious beliefs to stay safe and unthreatened. I hope we can find a way for everyone to be happy.
I honestly don't give a damn. :/
What people decide to do behind closed doors is their business. Also funny thing, everyone I see on the news that had a gay marriage looks over the age of 55
I dont give a shit! If you're already f@cking the person and hold hands all the time why shouldn't you be able to get married.
You can be gay, just don't be flaming. It irks me.
Eh, as long as I'm not part of the marriage, I ain't gettin' bugged.
What you do behind closed doors is up to you, but i don't want to see it. Just like I don't want to see people sucking face in public. It's gross, but the excuse "I was born this way" need to stop. It's been proven that's not true. It's all a choice and ones preference.
Yes. There are two kinds of marriage. "Marriage" as a legal arrangement for property and mutual support between loving adults that is recognized and supported by the State. There is NO good reason to deny gays these rights under CIVIL marriage law. Then there is "MarrIage" as a religious ritual, and divine recognition of an physical, emotional, and spiritual bond between loving adults. Whether or not to extend this to gay couples is a decision that each religion wil have to---and has the right to----decide for itself.
If it makes them happy, so be it. Who am I to judge? It doesn't affect me personally so why not? It's not hurting anyone.
It's not for me, otherwise I don't give it much thought
Fags can be fags idgaf
Do what ever the -blam!- you want idgaf
People have the right to pursue happiness, but laws should not be changed to support 1-2% of the population.
If you're not some super crazy criminal then everyone should have the same rights. At least in most cases.
Same sex marriage is equality, which all humans are supposed to be born with... A privilege is like gays not paying taxes, kinda how churches don't. It shouldn't matter on the government to decide.
Edited by Alonfé: 1/6/2015 12:11:39 AMGay? Lesbian? Who cares. Do what you want, marry who you want to, illegal or legal. Love is love, people. Babies or no babies, if you love someone, and want to spend a night to make them feel good, I say go for it. Marriage? Sure. If you truly want to spend your life with that person then by all means do so. Gay. Lesbian. Straight. It don't matter people. Never judge a book by it's cover. I respect their decisions in life. It wasn't me that made them, so who am I to judge? Bother me. Bully me. Whatever people. You want my attention? Because your different? No, no, no. You only get my sympathy, and maybe my fists if you take it too far. Point is, I treat everyone the same. Gay, lesbian, straight. Boys and girls. Adult, child baby. Christian, Jew, Hindu. Black, white, and everywhere in between. Discrimination is hate. Why do I need hate? There is happiness, sadness, joy and care. Depression, anger, fun for all. There's no room for hate in my life. It's an accessory. Tool. Used to down someone. Why? You want to feel better? Get a life. Stop hating. Look at all the good things in life and enjoy them every moment. You'll look back in 30 years and say "Why was I like this? I could have enjoyed much more!". So discard hate. Start loving. See things as others will see them. Live your life. As I always say, "YOLO!!!". Do it right the first time that's all you got. Want to be gay? Do it. Lesbian? Sure. Go right on ahead. You only live once. So live the way you want to live. PSN: Ragnell1107 PS4, 13 years old (I get alot of kid haters) FYI: Not gay, am a boy. Religion: Sikh Also don't care if your a girl or whatever you are, I'd love another friend on my list ;) Canadian also ;) Maple Syrup! lol
holy bump, batman
Go for it! I am not opposed to it in any way
They can do whatever they want. I respect their decision, as long as they are good people. As long as I'm not part of it. [spoiler]lol[/spoiler]
I feel that any person can live their life however they want, as long as they dont infringe on my personal rights, i thinks its stupid not to let them have theirs.
A man and a woman can love each other. A man and a man/ a woman and a woman can love each other. Who are we as a people to try and keep people from loving each other just because they're the same gender?
Gay marriage is like a penis, its okay to have one, but dont shove it in my face. [spoiler]Not the [i]best[/i] metaphor, but ya know[/spoiler] Gay pride is a like a penis, its okay to have one, but dont shove it in my face. And don't drag kids into it. That's my viewpoint.