Do you support equal marriage rights and legal benefits? Call it something other than marriage? Against it entirely?
Discuss. Explain your position.
It's gay.
Is kk
Doesn't bother me. Since it does not bother me and I have no concrete reason to be against it, I am for it.
Same sex marriage is gay
Nope. I am 100% against it. They are ruining our culture through this. Children of gay couples will also grow up gay until we reach the point where normal couples will no longer exist.
The only big thing that should be legalized is weed, Case closed.
I think your a dumb desticle
Support 100%. If people who are mentally retarded are legally allowed to be married, why can't gay people be allowed to marry?
There is 0 reason to not legalize gay marriage. It doesn't negatively effect anyone. The fact that people fight harder to legalize drugs than gay marriage is sickening.
Don't care.
Why not doesn't effect me in the slightest
Honestly could care less. Doesnt effect me on any level. There are a few gay/lesbian people in our friend click...i do find it funny that one guy keeps trying to say i should try it... "How do you know you wouldnt like it if you dont try it" he asks I reply " i never had anyone crap on my chest either, and i know i wouldnt like that either"
I support in but find it disgusting.
Edited by Thug Lyfe: 11/8/2014 10:24:28 PM
Started a new topic: How do you feel about shitposts?(6 Replies))
Legalize it. Gay marriage is just another topic that was made to look bad by older generations because of their beliefs, or just by beliefs of this generation. Realistically, there is always going to be an opposition to this, just like interracial marriage and just like the legalization of marijuana and many others. So again, legalize it. If you don't want it legalized, then you are just uncomfortable with it or you were brainwashed by your parents and peers to believe so. If you don't want it because your bible tells you it's not ok, then you're illogical because the bible says a lot of things people should and shouldn't do. It's whatever though. None of this affects me directly in any significant way. "I created the whole universe, you think I draw the line at the f***ing deli aisle?"
Edited by solid stone1993: 11/9/2014 7:09:12 PMI walked through the living room the other day and heard my dad talking to his friend while watching a gay movement thing on tv, he said "I just don't understand this homosexuality stuff". No shit.... Are you gay?
It has no effect on my why should I care what gender someone marries
I came to this thread to read the arguments
Edited by ArchAng3l412: 11/9/2014 2:45:53 PMIm fine with it honestly I have friends who are gay, they just like some things differently. Now do I think someone is born that way? No I do not I believe it is a choice to be that way and or an influence from someone close to them that made them that way.
Edited by DesticularCancer: 11/9/2014 2:44:27 PMLove is love. If you're so deprived of love yourself you need to stand in the way of others being in love, you might just be bad at life in general. Your beliefs have no bearing on others in a secular society, if you want to impose your beliefs on others you're better suited to life in Saudi Arabia or Islamic state held territories. If a Christian/muslim/jew claims religion as defence they probably haven't read their particular holy book too thoroughly to begin with and are best ignored. I will now return to my regular self.
Honestly it all comes down to "human rights" you love who you love doesn't matter if its the same sex or what its there. If you find a way to make it work then kudos to you. I'm tired of the religious bullshit that people chase around with, religion has no holds outside of america, other then Russia gay marriage is legal and it should be that way because again its our basic human rights.
Two words(spanish):que rico
Edited by aBallisticToucan: 11/9/2014 5:40:16 PMWell it's something that has to be looked at from different angles. Most people who are against it are so because of their religion/philosophy, mostly Christianity. Now since Christ taught that the poor should be helped, and since it is pretty much non-debatable that being gay isn't a choice, you'd have to think about the two options in certain scenarios: -You could have two gay people be unable to pay their bills, and they would be helped by marriage tax breaks. -You could ban gay marriage, and the people would have a more difficult time living. As a Christian, I actually think just letting the people having the tax breaks would be the more Christlike choice. As far as state-based unions go (I'll leave the "religious marriages" aspect out of this, it only makes things more complex and causes more butthurt,) there's no reason to not do it in some way or another. That being said, if gay people get what they want and then start bashing religion (many of them would; don't deny it,) that's a pretty shitty thing to do as well. If that happened, I couldn't support them thinking that they have the right to piss on whatever beliefs they don't like, even if their own beliefs have become accepted.
Against it. Which also means I'm now also against benefits for heterosexual couples as well.
Nothing wrong with it.
Support it.