Do you support equal marriage rights and legal benefits? Call it something other than marriage? Against it entirely?
Discuss. Explain your position.
Support it.
Legalize gay marijuana
Doesn't bother me, but seeing 2 men snog eachother in the street makes me feel generaly sick. And gay men who put on that stupid "im a gay" voice and how they act in a camp way pisses me off, why do they have to put on a parade for? Its like they do everything in thier power to make sure you know that they are gay.
I don't see why they should be denied marriage.
I'm against it. But I definitely don't hate gay/lesbian people.
Absolutely 0 reasons why it shouldn't be allowed.
I got no problem with it at all, don't hide it don't be ashamed just dont go proposing to me
Replace the same sex partners with an inter-race couple and bam, 1950s USA with the same kind of hate and prejudice. This is the same war involving civil liberties but with a few things changed up. It's unconstitutional to ban interracial marriages, and by the same laws same sex marriage should be legal. If a gay or lesbian couple can't get married, then nobody else should be able to.
I don't want it legalized
It's hard to think about it as a legal term, I believe marriage is a religious binding contract with a man woman and God, I do not believe God allows same-sex marriage, therefore it is impossible, but we have freedom of speech and religion, I will believe what I am going to believe, I do not hate gays but I don't have to agree with what they do.
I dont give a fck about them
Gays should be allowed to marry, however, calling it a different name is a good and a bad thing. A lot of straight couples these days only get married because it's the done thing and also it's basically seen as the only option. If civil partnerships were equal to marriage in terms of how people view them then I would expect to see a huge decrease in the amount of couples getting "married" and a huge increase in the amount of civil partnerships. People see civil partnerships as something that only gay couples can have and that they are less important because they are not sanctified by "God" but it makes no difference. "Being gay isn't a choice and even if it was, people choose to be assholes and they can still get married"
Edited by TheFallenALPHA: 11/8/2014 5:30:46 PMLove. Is love. Sex is sex. Who does it matter to really who you do either with? Religion? Get over it and keep it to yourself, have you ever stopped to think. Not everyone is your religion. "It'll make more people that way. I -blam!-ing hope so have you ever seen a same sex couple?? Sure as hell look a lot happier then most of the different sex couples and you need to know for yourselves its not a choice just like how its not a choice im more attracted to stomachs then ass and boobs or its not a choice some of you are attracted to feet. What makes you happy is what makes you happy, what gets you hot is what gets you hot, who you fall in love with is who you fall in love with. Stop making people feel bad for it. There is absolutely nothing wrong/sick/whatever the -blam!- your bogas reason are with loving and being with who you want to be with.
Is it possible to learn how to be gay? Or be taught to be gay? Is it possible to be gay without being born gay
I support it 100%. I just don't wanna see or hear about it.
For it cause I said so
if it's legal I don't care if it's illegal I still don't care
I'm cool with it, it's not my business what two people do in their private lives no mater the sex. I say legalize it.
I think if two people love each other they should be able to get married. :3
Love between any two people is the most important part of a marriage. Living in the UK, I am so happy that same-sex marriage has recently been legalised here. :)
I think it is bad
Marriage has always been between a man and a woman. I think we should keep it that way IMO
Hate it
I never would do it, but if they want to do that, it's no skin off my back.
I don't care, as long as they don't push any of their beliefs onto me. They live their lives... It doesn't affect me so why should I care?
As a Canadian, where we have legalized gay marriage, I don't care. They can do it of they want, I just don't care. I wouldn't do it myself, but they can if they wish