Do you support equal marriage rights and legal benefits? Call it something other than marriage? Against it entirely?
Discuss. Explain your position.
Why do people still care who marries who...?
Anyone who is against it legally can find their way to the nearest shotgun and kill themselves.
I honestly don't care. But i am still just baffled how lesbian hate men & find dîcks unattractive but end up using dïck shaped dîldos & act like men. & how gãymen find vagina nasty but don't mind sticking it in a "hole" that doesn't lubricate itself unless they got some smelly old nasty cràp in there. [b]lol[/b]
Edited by king of masons: 11/8/2014 5:18:08 PM[quote]Call it something other than marriage? [/quote]
I follow a general rule when it comes to these things. If it doesn't affect me and it makes Someone else happy I'm in favor of it.
Considering my dad is married to another man, I have no issues with it. I don't understand why people would have issues with it, how does it impact anybody's life in such a way that it can be considered wrong? It's not, so therefore it really doesn't matter. We're all human beings at the end of the day.
Marriage is just a legal contract.
I do not give a shit about marriage, I think it i a stupid concept based around money. Everyone should have equal rights, no matter what, and be able to do whatever the hell they want as long as it is not directly hurting someone else.
I support it, if you don't go die -blam!- [spoiler]lol[/spoiler]
I support any action one or more willing adults make that have no negative effects on any other person.
Edited by CrazzySnipe55: 7/26/2013 6:50:49 AMI think it's fine and should be nationally legalized, but that won't happen for a long time until the Bible Belt gets their heads out of their collective asses like they had to about black people's rights. To those who don't want it legalized in The States: "it's against my religion": I don't give a shit and neither should the government. The US is a country of no official religion, as are most developed nations these days. Your religion should not have any bearing on US law-making. "it's unnatural": False. Homosexuality is rampant in the animal kingdom. Dolphins -blam!- other male dolphins in the blowhole, by the way (before you say it's just males thinking other dudes are chicks). "it hurts the institution of marriage": And the idea of divorce doesn't? "I don't want my kid turning gay because of the increased amount of gays": 1. You're gay from birth. Cut the shit on that "it's a lifestyle choice" stuff. On almost every occasion of someone openly talking about their coming out, they talk about how they've "always known", etc. 2. There isn't an increase in the number of gays, they're just not afraid of getting the shit kicked out of them (as much) for their preferences anymore. I think I covered all the basic ones. Feel free to throw out any more.
Edited by NSCLord: 7/26/2013 8:50:44 AMYes, I support it. I see no reason why it shouldn't be legal. If people use christian arguments, I simply point out that christianity didn't invent marriage, and therefore has no right to define it.
I don't care
It's not my business to be in their business. In my personal opinion everyone should be allowed to do what they want as long as other people aren't getting physically hurt.
Couldn't Care less
Let em have at it!
[quote]Do you support equal marriage rights and legal benefits? [/quote] Absoutley [quote]Call it something other than marriage?[/quote] Yes, exactly [quote]Against it entirely?[/quote] Nope.
Really? Again with this?
I support it. Love is blind.
I don't give two shits either way.
I, as like any other human being concerned for full civil rights for all should be, am completely for gay marriage.
I think that people should be able to marry whoever they want. I don't see why anyone should be able to tell people who they can love or can't love
Hell yeah.
It should be allowed. It doesn't harm anybody, so what's the problem?