Do you support equal marriage rights and legal benefits? Call it something other than marriage? Against it entirely?
Discuss. Explain your position.
It should be allowed. It doesn't harm anybody, so what's the problem?
It's already legal here in NZ! And I think it should be legal!
All for it. It doesn't affect my life in the slightest. Why should we deprive rights of a certain demographic? I honestly have no idea.
Edited by Flee: 7/26/2013 11:43:31 AMIt's been legal here for over a decade, as it should be. The fact that there are still first world countries where it isn't baffles me.
It's equality, plain and simple. Anyone who disagrees is a socially conservative bigot.
I fully support it. Why? Because I'm a decent human being.
If you are against gay marriage, you are a piece of shit. Simple as that.
I support it. No freedom until we're all equal
"Complaining that someone else's marriage is against your religion is like being angry at someone for eating a donut because you're on a diet."
-blam!- yeah, NZ!
They're kool I've even been to one
Yea, I have no idea why they made marriage more than just a religious thing. People who are religious, have a point if they say it goes against their religion, however homosexual people, be it choice or not, deserve all of the legal rights wrongfully accompanied with marriage.
"Whelp. I'm out!" *Mad Max enters disguised as Arrogant Bastard*
Get more action than me.
Does it affect my life? No. Does it make gay couples happy? Yes. Does it promote the idea of equality in society? Yes.
I'm fine with just so long as you don't shove it down my throat (no pun intended).
>bumping a 7 month old thread that's been done to death
They way I see it, if you allow gay marriage, you should allow people who are 13 and up to get married regardless of age difference. You're more than able to consent at 13 and most have reached sexual maturity. Love is love.
I'm for gay marriage. Gays have never bothered me. Who am I to deny people who live each other the right to marry? It doesn't affect me so why should I care?
I'm against gay marriage. Done
True marriage equality is getting government out of marriage. But I digress. I have no problems with gays getting married. I say "Let 'em be."
I'm against same-sex marriage and I'll just leave it at that while I grab my lawn chair and some popcorn.
I am for it 100%. There's nothing wrong with it. If two people love each other and want to be married I don't see why anyone would prevent them to. The sad thing is living in deeply conservative Texas you get a lot of hate for being pro gay marriage.
No opposition to it here, though if i can be honest, it does make me uncomfortable when i get hit on by gay males...