Do you support equal marriage rights and legal benefits? Call it something other than marriage? Against it entirely?
Discuss. Explain your position.
No opposition to it here, though if i can be honest, it does make me uncomfortable when i get hit on by gay males...
Support equal marriage rights. America needs to stop being so hypocritical.
Cool by me.
On November 6th, I proudly voted Yes on 1, which in my state of Maine, was to grant gays the right to marry. It's not a question of ethics or morals; it's a question of equality, and this country's core is at our beliefs for freedom and equality for all.
I have no problem with it, let them little queerosexuals get married.
I think it's totally gross.
Don't care, do whatever you want to do, no one should have a say in it.
Edited by Cultmeister: 1/13/2013 10:30:56 PMYes, i would like the opportunity to [b][u]MARRY[/u][/b] someone of the same gender in the futur on the grounds of equality different =/= equal that includes the name. either change the name of marriage to 'civil partnership', or allow gay marriage.
I think marriage should no longer be a legal issue. If you want you and your partner to be legally recognised (same-sex or hetero) then you should be able to get a civil partnership, which will offer the same legal rights as marriage does now. If you want to get married, either for faith reasons, tradition, or to make public vows, then you still can. Different Christian denominations (and other institutions/religious groups) can decide for themselves whether they want to marry gays. If they do, they are legally free to do so and are accountable to God. If they do not, they are legally free to do so and are accountable God.
Yes. We shouldn't be trying to segregate the queer community just because of a vocal Christian minority that wants to impose their religious standards onto others.
Why do people even care who people marry? How does it remotely affect a random bystander that a man marries a man, or if a women marries a rock? Marriage has reached a point where its religious nature is entirely optional at this point. My cousin was recently married and the ceremony was as irreligious as you could get. We're not living in the 17th century anymore, I think some people still need to wake up to that fact.
Started a new topic: How do you feel about opposite-sex marriage?(16 Replies))
How do I feel? I feel pissed because it's the year 2013 and it's still -blam!-ing frowned upon. LEGALIZE IT ERRRWHERE
I'm all for it. People should be allowed to marry whoever they hell they want, as long as it's consensual and both parties are above the legal age for their country. From a personal perspective, I'm Bi and have no idea what my future holds in terms of relationships. Maybe one day I'll fall in love with someone who I want to marry, only not being able to because of their sex.
Marriage.....erm, surprisingly I really think it is up to whatever religion you're wanting to be married by. Although I do think that stripping the legal rights of marriage away should happen, making marriage a totally religious event - i.e a union only in the eyes of [Deity], bugger all to do with the State. Make everything else a Civil Partnership and POW! Problem solved. Shouldn't force a religion to go against its teachings, but then you can eradicate the issue of equality by making marriage matter less in a legal sense.
I support it. I find it utterly backwards that in the year 2013 people can be telling other people how they can or can't express their love for each other despite it not affecting them in any way. If it doesn't affect your life directly and it isn't hurting anyone then why not?
Y'all should watch this.
Edited by Zayah117: 1/12/2013 11:37:28 PMIt's against my religion. So.... yeeaaah. But I respect them.
Fully support but I do think this discussion has been done to death on most forums. Yes it's still a relevant issue but I'm bored of talking about it.
As long as it's not their choice (which I don't believe it is) to be homosexual, I don't see any reason to be against it. Although I do have alot of friends and family members who have different opinions on the matter.
The right way. You're a flat out moron if you oppose any kind of equal rights.
Don't plan on having one, but I have no problem with it.
I support it, but apparently homosexuals are not given equal rights in this country.
Sure why not? :)
Edited by Baha: 1/12/2013 11:39:03 PMThere are no non-religious arguments against it to be made. So all for it, helped legalize it in WA state :) Even if you oppose it on religious grounds, trying to legally impose your religious beliefs on others is pretty messed up yo.
Depends on the country.