The new semester started last Tuesday and I have already completed a class. I passed the Microsoft Excel certification exam which is supposed to take us the entire semester to do. Now for the next 86 days I am not expected to do anything.
What do flood?
I got Powerpoint certified. What do we do with the certification?
Just go up to your classmates and just be all like, 'hey, you still working on that exam? Yeah, I did that. It was pretty easy. You should hurry up and finish that soon so you can have the rest of the semester off like me.'
Firstly: Congratulations on behalf of students everywhere Secondly: Download the Halo Trial and play on LAN
infect the other computers with viruses and have them pay you to fix it.
Troll the class. Attend every lecture and QUESTION EVERYTHING.
Guild Wars 2?
Switch to a different class, and get more credits. Obtain more knowledge.
Learn Java.