Why does it legally have to be called marriage?
Also the love is love argument is a terrible one at that. I would advise you not to use it in the future.
If two atheists marry each other then it's still called marriage. Why shouldn't it be called marriage if two men/women marry each other? Because of a >1000 year old book!
No, because in our society marriage already has a definition. A heterosexual union and a homosexual union are two different things (one of the largest differences is the fact that homosexual unions cannot produce their own children). Because of this I think they should have different names. They are not the same thing, why should we say that they are?
Definitions change. Americans talk a lot about their [i]freedom[/i] while denying the freedom of others. You should have the right to love someone of the same sex. The ancient Greek understood this, why can't you?
Well, it doesn't have to be called anything. As long as any kind of couple can be together and have the same benefits that come with 'marriage', that's how it should be.
I don't mind that nearly as much as those who think it needs to be called marriage. In the UK civil partnerships give all the same rights as heterosexual marriage yet still there are campaigns to introduce same-sex marriage, that just seems mad in my eyes.
Matter of semantics, but I guess some people don't realize there can be synonyms for words. Oh well.