Me and a couple of my friends might possibly doing the halo theme song in the talent show but we need the sheet music for trumet, trombone, drums, and baritone... if anyone could find these FREE talk to me please
Your N00b 0wn3r.. TcT Aadi
to the guy who might do the marching band arrangement, i saw a cool vid on of a marching band performing the halo theme song, so it must be somewhere. I was tempted to send some halo songs to my band director that way we might play them, but even if he did everyone probably would be like "thats -blam!-, video games are stupid" Anyway, i was checking out rampancy, to bad you have to be a member. Just a little bragging side note, i was first chair clarinet in the Northeast Ohio honors band back in 8 grade, so that was pretty cool. [Edited on 10.15.2007 4:16 PM PDT]