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Why does abortion have to be banned?
Why can't you frown upon it, yet let people live how they want to live? Why do we have to bend to your wishes? Why deny people what they want based on your views? To not sound completely libertarian: There's a case against the legalization of drug use and similar items because there's a clear and direct link between the action and a negative reaction that hurts the person involved.
This isn't the case with abortion. Performed correctly it causes no harm to the mother and nobody else is hurt. You can claim that the fetus is hurt, that the fetus is alive, that the fetus is a person, but that doesn't make it true. A clump of cells does not define a person. If you lose an arm, a leg, a person didn't die. You lost an arm, a leg. What makes a person, a person, and not the physical form but the consciousness, the mind, the sustain electro/chemical chain reaction going on in the brain.
And a fetus doesn't have a mind. It doesn't have a consciousness. There's no sustained electro/chemical reaction going on because the brain doesn't exist yet.
You can tell people that a fetus isn't a human until you're blue in the fingertips, but they will always say it is. In their mind, it's a human as soon as the sperm cell fertilizes the egg and nothing you say will convince them otherwise. Because of that, abortion will always be murder to them. I completely agree with you though. A few cells the size of an eraser is not a person. It has no conscience, no mind, no anything. Stopping it from becoming a person is as much murder as anybody who jerks themself off into a tissue, or abstains from sex altogether.