So do you hate Narcisstic people? The ones that are full of themselves 24/7 and talk shite?
The World would probably be a slightly better place without them, yet they do serve as examples of what not to become, in my opinion.
Here is my tale: I know this guy in my class - absolute -blam!-. But everyone loves him, but he's a -blam!-? That's what I don't get. He's even been told he talks shit, but it was a compliment! I choose not to like him and what he says, so stuff he does generally annoys me. The worse part is, all the other boys in my class follow his examples, so I'm stuck with a bunch of twats. And I try to be different, no one likes different, no one likes the unknown - therefore I'm the normal, yet odd one out. This may also seem like narcissm, I think its not and just opinion of mine.
So, tell me about your run-ins with narcissm and discuss.
You're missing an i and an s.