Game Information
Game : Dota 2 via steam
Date: Saturday, 2nd of February
Time: 13:00 PDT / 21:00 BST(GMT)
REGISTRATION - read this bit carefully:
In order to sign up to play you must post in this thread with your Steam username.
Failure to do so will result in your request being ignored. Once you have been chosen your name will be edited into the original post. Then send the host (me) a friend request (steam id Archon217)
Important Note :
Please take careful consideration of the time and date. Please do NOT sign up until you are completely sure that you are able to make it to the Carnage. If you are having trouble locking down the local time, use a time zone converter.
General Information:
Anyone signed up must be able to play on the 2nd of February, 1PM PDT. Don't be afraid to send any of the organisers a message if you have any questions pertaining to the event. Anyone who has signed up and is not there for the start of the event will be moved to the bottom of the player list or may not get opportunity to play at all. It is critical that you are on time, and even better if you are early.
- Ali (steam ID : Archon217) - host
- Waffle
- Boberson
- Tails
- Quantum Echo
Visit the official Community Carnage Group for future events. See you on the battlefield!
Radiant please Steam: Boberson