[url=http://www.theverge.com/2013/1/29/3930156/apple-trademarks-its-retail-store-design]Source (The Verge)[/url]
Wow Apple...really? A patent on the way people design their -blam!-ing room? How ridiculous.
Reminds me of my highschool cafeteria, only considerably less dirty. People have patented stupider things before though, I'd say it's pretty justified.
Tables with computers on them? Meh.
Edited by Leader Aleks: 1/30/2013 1:01:52 AMI'm alright with this, I'd hate to see other stores looking god awful like Apple stores, so much space going to waste.
Edited by Hoggs Bison: 1/30/2013 12:57:30 AMMakes sense to me; the design of Apple stores is iconic, and the store is the sum of all the unique design decisions they make. Hopefully, this will deter companies like Samsung from ripping them off.
I'm actually okay with this. It's better than the enitre rounded corners nonsense.
Proof that apple is full of retarded monkeys.
Too much money due to retards. Gg
I have no need to ever go into an Apple store so I don't care
Text they'll be putting a patent on being human
Lol. I was actually at Verizon the other day, and their store looked almost exactly like an Apple store, except with less white.
Good, I'd hate to see stores that look exactly like Apple's.
It's not going to affect anyone. As long as a company doesn't make its store one color they're fine.