[url=http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000133011/article/chris-culliver-says-he-wouldnt-accept-openly-gay-49er]NFL.com Article[/url]
What you think?
Let me guess. You'll insult him and call him a bigot for having a differing opinion. Oh wait, maybe you guys will call him a troll too.
that is literally the definition of bigot.
Calling someone a bigot for having a differing opinion is quite justifiable, depending on what the opinion is. I don't know where people get this idea that being entitled to your opinion means your opinion is just as valid as everyone else's, but that's not true at all. Holding a certain opinion can make you a bigot, among other things. People need to get over this politically correct "let's all be friends yayyy" bullshit and start taking responsibility for their thought processes, rather than hiding behind some pathetic excuse for their own ignorance. OT- he's a bigot.
[url=http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bigot]Definitely not a bigot.[/url]
*looks at frontpage* Theres literally the exact same thread right below this one lol
Damn it nevermind. Max already made this thread