I was talking with my friend and asked if he knew any good programs for creating art. He suggested a program called Paint Tool Sai. I looked into it and it looked like a pretty good program, so i downloaded it.
After downloading it, I discovered that my Google Chrome wouldn't open. I've already ended the task, uninstalled the program, restarted the computer, reinstalled it, and still nothing. I've also uninstalled the Paint Tool Sai and the four other installers and files that come with it, and still nothing.
Could anyone help me out?
EDIT: I've found the reason, and it was a program that had installed with Paint Tools Sai called Claro. I deleted it and now Chrome runs fine. As does IE and Firefox. Thanks for any help you guys gave.
I had the same problem once. I believe that I got a virus soon after. Forcing me to format my laptop, making it work again.