Would you do it? Would you really do it?
Please, pay close attention.
If you heard a baby crying in a burning building, would you go in to save it, atheists? There's no one else nearby, and the fire dept. won't make it in time.
Would you still do it if you knew you were going to die? Let's assume that somehow you get the baby to safety, but due to complications you don't make it out yourself. Furthermore, your body will be burned beyond recognition; no one will know of your actions, nor will anyone remember you.
And consider this: this baby was left alone. It's raised by obviously terrible parents, and will likewise have a terrible life. There's a good [u]chance[/u] that this baby would become a violent criminal one day.
Would you save it then? Or would you walk away? You only live once, after all.
The purpose of the scenario is this: That, with nothing beyond death, with no chance of living neither in spirit nor in the minds and hearts of others, would you sacrifice yourself for no reward?
There's a difference between being religiously moral and socially moral. I would save the baby since it's the right thing to do in my mind.