I received a jury summons in the mail today, for the first time. Surprising, as I've only been a legal adult (in the States) for a year.
States that my service is for one trial, although supposedly they can go on for a while. Dunno the probability of actually being selected. I'm assuming that being #175 means there are at least 174 others in the raffle, and probably a lot more.
Anyway, now I'm really curious about the subject so I thought I'd ask my anonymous internet acquaintances.
>Those tags just won't stay in the correct order >.<
Twice was call for Jury Duty. First time, some drunk guy got a ticket. They asked me if I drink, I said a little bit but not enough to get drunk. And they asked if i was ever effected by drunk driver. I said no, but a cousin of mine dies in an accident. Didn't really know him. I got kicked out :D 2nd time, i called and didnt have to go. havnt been summoned fir a while. well, that i know of.