I have a short one today because i am tired but that doesn't mean it isn't interesting!
The Hafthohlladung was a magnetic German (allies tomorrow i swear) anti tank grenade that could destroy the strongest allied tanks. It was produced and developed fully in November 1942 when it started to be delivered to troops.
The way the Hafthohlladung worked was that the soldier would plant the charge on the tank twist the knob on top to arm it and run away. The three magnetic prongs insured that the charge would stay in place and the shaped explosion it created could penetrate up to 140mm of armor, the shape the charge was designed in also negated the effects of sloped armor. However the downside to this device was that you would have to get right up next to a tank which is obviously hazardous. The Germans developed anti tank teams (or panzer knackers) that were teams of two men who would run out and plant these on tanks and (hopefully) escape to safety.
Ironically the Germans development of these magnetic anti tank grenades made the Germans fear the use of similar grenades on the enemy side. German tanks were coated with anti magnetic paint that would negate the charges ability to stick to the tanks surface. However there fears were unfounded the Allies never developed a magnetic anti tank grenade that the paint would be effective against. Soon, the production of the Hafthohlladung was stopped in favor of the infamous panzerfaust, however that is a piece of tech for another day.
Picture- Two German panzer knackers maneuver to destroy a tank with there Hafthohlladung somewhere on the eastern front.
Thank you for reading and as always if you like this stuff feel free to follow me!
If you would like to see a piece of technology featured on here please message!
I like these threads..... but yeah something non-german would be good. Something classic and iconic like the P-51, Mosquito or the Spitfire would be cool.