[url=http://xgames.espn.go.com/article/8901435/caleb-moore-died-snowmobile-accident-x-games-aspen]ESPN Story[/url]
Some of you might have heard of the Snowmobile rider who was critically injured after attempting to flip his snowmobile. The 450 pound vehicle landed on top of him, he was able to get up, but at the hospital he developed bleeding around the heart.
The guy was only 25 years old. I watched this event transpire and it is crazy to think I was watching what would be his last performance. For those of us who watch the X-Games we watch them for the excitement and danger. Sometimes we like to watch the crashes over and over again, but never do we want to see someone die. Sadly this is what happened this year. Just goes to show how quickly life can end.
I'm going to link the crash up top, there is nothing gruesome about it and he is able to get up after the crash. The crash occurs at about 1 minute
Sad, but really dumb. He's not even a snowmobiler. Didn't he have only a few hours on the snowmobile before doing it?