[url=http://www.cracked.com/article_16117_6-formerly-kickass-creatures-ruined-by-evolution_p2.html]Relevant Cracked article.[/url]
Whenever you look through the fossil record, one interesting fact seems clear- for most of the earth's history the planet has been full of vicious death machines that look like they're straight out of the notebook scribblings of a disgruntled teenager.
But what do we have today? Bears, lions and hippos would be all jump for the chance to be a bottom bitch to a hyaenodon. Sloths used to be real-life Gutas, and austrailian aborigionals had to fight 20 foot long venom spitting flightless dragons. If god is real then after I die I want to have a long discussion about why he decided to start catering to filthy casuals.
Are T-Rex's considered evolutionary ancestors of modern birds? I was aware that specific dinosaurs were, but I don't know any specifics. Plus, I find it mind-boggingly interesting to comprehend that dinosaurs walked this planet millions of years ago. Seriously, freaking think about that for a second. Freaking dinos, dude.