Ya know, until a few years ago I always thought that embedding images on a website took up the site's servers, but then I found out that it just provides a "window" to the file. Silly me. For years I thought that was the reason we couldn't embed in our posts.
How about you? Any assumptions you've made and stuck with only to be slapped into submission by sudden realisation that you were wrong?
I always assumed Super Smash Bros Melee was rated E because it was a Mario game after all. Then one day my good friend and I got in a heated argument over such a subject. It was a bitter stalemate for a while as neither of us had copy of the box cover art and we lacked internet access to check. After what felt like weeks of arguing, though in reality it may have only lasted a day, it was revealed to my great dismay that the official ESRB rating is in fact T. I was in denial for a long time, completely opposed to the notion that I could have been wrong about something I was so sure of. Then eventually I came to accept my defeat in an argument so trivial.