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Edited by ChorrizoTapatio: 2/3/2013 5:57:29 AM

Communisack #1

Hello community, and welcome to the very first Communisack! I have taken questions from you guys and selected the panel from the very same thread. I selected them randomly and I will continue this process each week if this continues to interest you guys! Now then, allow me to introduce our panel: [quote]-Goldhawk -American Recoil -Flying ViVo -AxJARxOFxDIRT -GPK Ethan -Death [/quote] Let’s begin! [quote][b]Erac2detsaw2[/b] - Is your online persona similar to you IRL or do you tend to say/do things online you normally wouldn't?[/quote] The thing about me is I say what's on my mind. I rarely censor my words but I do think before I speak. Like here, I say some pretty weird and questionable shit. I do the same in real life. People like it though, I have no idea why. [b]Death[/b] I'd say I try to be the same person. I say a lot of the same things in similar conversations about whatever it may be on here that I do in real life so I guess so. I don't really cross the two lives though. That would be socially weird.. right? [b]American Recoil [/b] I would say it's pretty similar. Although some expressions I only use online since aren't acceptable IRL. (Get r***d for example) [b]Flying ViVo[/b] I would say it's roughly the same. Like everyone what you can say & do is usually dependent on the context of who you are interacting with, but the fact I'm only really communicating through text doesn't change an awful lot about me. [b]Goldhawk[/b] The way I act online is very much me. The only difference is that I say more online, but even then it's not very much. [b]GPK Ethan[/b] I tend to be a generally helpful person but have a very sharp, sarcastic side if someone does something I see as unhelpful. I try to get that across in all aspects of life, online or otherwise. Besides, who likes living two different lives? [b]AxJARxOFxDIRT[/b] [quote][b]PVSpartanL36[/b] - If you could pick one fictional character to bring to life, who would you choose? [/quote] This question will take me days to answer...oh goodness. Atticus finch from how to kill a mockingbird. He's such a great character....Also....Ghandalf. [b]Death[/b] The Giving Tree. [b]American Recoil[/b] This was a though one but I'd probably choose Cthulhu. [b]Flying ViVo[/b] Dr Who. Because awesome. [b]Goldhawk[/b] Chuck Bartowski, nuff said. [b]GPK Ethan[/b] DeeJ. I know he’s not real because he can’t give us real things. That’s why we haven’t heard anything about Destiny. Yes, I did figure that out by myself. I’ll accept the prize now. [b]AxJARxOFxDIRT[/b] [i]You’re right, Dirt. He’s an account created by Bungie to fool us all into trusting them. The man many of us met at PAX last year? Simply an actor.[/i] [quote][b]Goldhawk[/b] - If you were to pick a popular culture catchphrase that characterizes what would it be?[/quote] I'd have to go with the USA, I know this is somewhat of a lame answer but the USA is a melting pot of different cultures. But the difference between the community and the USA is that the community has culture and the USA has none. [b]Death[/b] Can you smell what The Rock is cooking? [b]American Recoil[/b] "To infinity... and beyond!" [b]Flying ViVo[/b] Here's another fine mess you've gotten me into. [b]Goldhawk[/b] is Legen- wait for it… [b]AxJARxOFxDIRT[/b] [quote][b]Gestuart88[/b] - What does your username mean?[/quote] I know you are expecting an interesting back story or a secret meaning to it. There isn't really one. I've just simply aspired to be the angel of death. This world is messed up, it's needing repair. [b]Death[/b] American-made Recoil? I got the idea from an old friend, Maple Recoil. [b]American Recoil[/b] ViVo is an old nickname I got when I was 10. I used to play hockey and one of the sponsors our team had was the grocery store "Vivo" so we all had Vivo stickers on our helmets. When I was 10 my family moved to another city and I started playing hockey in a new team and since I still had the Vivo sticker on my helmet people started calling me Vivo. The "Flying" part comes from Halo 3 when me and my friend "Stort" was driving/flying around on a Mongooses using the bruteshot. [b]Flying ViVo[/b] Fairly simple, it's a gold hawk. Originated from choosing my Halo 2 emblem for the first time - hawk looked appealing, the colour scheme I choose stuck. My originality and artistic flair took over and we have a name! [b]Goldhawk[/b] A container of glass containing earthen material. Actually, besides the obvious movie reference, JAR came from Jer, the common shortening of my name, Jeremy, and I went from there. [b]AxJARxOFxDIRT[/b] [quote][b]Omega Travis[/b] - So how do you purpose we deal with the great threat to our world that is the Lizard-People?![/quote] [i]Just so everyone knows, this is a very serious issue. One day they will rise and they WILL want all of our warm rocks. Prepare yourselves.[/i] Lizard people? Is that what they call it now a days? I will not tolerate any racism. This country is going through a very rough time. But....I purpose we fill their bodies with candy and succulent meats and play pinata at my fiesta. [b]Death[/b] [i]‘MERICA![/i] Like [url=]this guy[/url]? I don't think I'm too worried. [b]American Recoil[/b] We create an army of narwhal/penguin-hybrids equipped with swords and small rocks shaped like the letter R to fight the lizard-people. [b]Flying ViVo[/b] Skynet. [b]Goldhawk[/b] Hey! Those lizard people sold me insurance. They said they covered everything except for poison, sudden blindness, and disembowelment. I think that’s a pretty good deal! [b]AxJARxOFxDIRT[/b] [quote][b]Easy Company[/b] - Describe Foman's mom in 5 words.[/quote] [i]Whoa, whoa, whoa, she’s a classy lady. We’re all gentleman and gentlewomen here.[/i] That woman sure can move [b]Death[/b] [i]…Or not.[/i] A very very nice woman. [b]American Recoil[/b] Larger than VY Canis Majoris. [b]Flying ViVo[/b] Please insert coin to begin. [b]Goldhawk[/b] I haven’t met her…yet. [b]AxJARxOFxDIRT[/b] [quote][b]Lord Revan[/b] - If you suddenly had enough wealth to become a super hero would you go the route of Iron Man or Batman?[/quote] Iron man? Derp. Women, money, sweet ass robot suit. There's literally no downsides to being iron man. Batman is kind of a loser. He can't take on any seriously strong villains. He's wealthy(or was) His body is broken. [b]Death[/b] Well, Iron Man has an infinite wealth supplied by the military. I'm positive his wealth puts Bruce Wayne's to shame. He also parties all the time, Bruce Wayne seems to have a rather "quiet" lifestyle aside from defending Gotham. [b]American Recoil[/b] Why not both? [b]Flying ViVo[/b] Ironman - I do like working out, but I don't think I could bring myself to put in the work that Bruce does [b]Goldhawk[/b] Iron Man, you could do whatever the hell you want, and pretty much no one could stop you. Also you can fly, which is nice. [b]GPK Ethan[/b] Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist or emotionally scarred Arkham escapee? You’re move. [b]AxJARxOFxDIRT[/b] [quote][b]EZcomany2ndsqd[/b] - Please describe the outside for me... I haven't been out there in awhile...[/quote] Lately it's been bone chilling. Lucky for me I love the cold. There's also a ton of attractive women wondering outside looking for mates. Check it out. [b]Death[/b] The "outside" is a cold, vicious place. I hear it's best to stay inside, that way you will always be prepared for the end.. [b]American Recoil[/b] The graphics are amazing but the gameplay is terrible. [b]Flying ViVo[/b] Most of the time there is white stuff above you, but when there isn't you can sometimes see all the way to really dark blue stuff. When there is white stuff above sometimes blue stuff (Not like the really dark blue stuff) comes out of it and you get wet. Also, if you are standing on blue stuff you can get wet too and if there is a lot of blue stuff you should hold your breath, cause that might be the sea. Or a swimming pool. It won't be lava though, cause that's usually dark red. Sometimes there are other people too, I don't know much about them but sometimes they ask stupid questions and don't know about memes and cats and stuff. [b]Goldhawk[/b] It's scary, don't go out there. [b]GPK Ethan[/b] Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears; and sometime voices, That, if I then had waked after long sleep, Will make me sleep again: and then, in dreaming, The clouds methought would open, and show riches Ready to drop upon me; that, when I waked, I cried to dream again. [b]AxJARxOFxDIRT[/b] Well, we have some debby downers in here. On that note, we’ll call it quits for this week. I hope you enjoyed the first Communisack and as long as people have interest in it, I’ll keep em’ coming. Thanks to everyone who dropped a question and thanks to the panel! Feel free to drop a question in the Communisack Tuesday!

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  • Awesome. I hope to see (and participate in) another one in the future. I would like to see the questions differentiated somehow from the questions, as that was a bit confusing.

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