Less than a month until Crysis 3 releases and I've yet to see a single person on bungie.net mention it. Am I seriously the only Crysis fan here?
here you go.
I can't say I've ever played any Crysis games - but I may have to look into this open beta I've heard mentioned.
I'm disappointed in the Hunter mode. It is actually pretty fun, but I just can't get into the game when each round only last 2 minutes.
[quote]Less than a month until Crysis 3 releases and I've yet to see a single person on bungie.net mention it. Am I seriously the only Crysis fan here?[/quote] [url=http://www.bungie.net/en-US/View/Search?all=%23crysis3&isTag=true]Ahem.[/url]
Pretty meh. The Pinger and the bow are really overpowered. And you can just spray and pray with the rifles and get tons of kills. Pretty generic and boring. I just hope that the singleplayer will be better than Crysis 2's - it was awful.
Edited by AcedannyK: 2/3/2013 4:48:46 PM> People complaining about the graphics What the actual shit?
Crysis 3 looks pretty good. I think I will buy it.
After the exhaustingly boring Crysis 2, I have no interest in the franchise.
If i buy it i will only get it for the Campaign and to play Hunter with friends.
The beta and closed alphas were disappointing to me. Input lag, graphics are disappointing (and now, my PC is running Ultra with about 65 frames), and it's the same as Crysis 2.
i enjoyed crysis 2 single player but the multiplayer was meh. the crysis 3 beta isn't much different, still meh, although i will say that playing with the bow makes it a hell of a lot more fun. i'll probably get it for single player when it goes down in price.
I have to say, the visuals are disappointing. Was expecting more "wow", if I had to be honest. Will reserve final judgement until full release however.
You're not alone. I'm sure there are [b]plenty[/b] of Crysis fans here. Me being one myself. Also, I recommend using a tag called #Crysis, use those features yo.
I was just about to make a topic on this. I love the game and am playing the hell out of the beta. Its so much fun, never really got into Crysis but I'm picking this one up.