originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
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Something I noticed for the past few years, it seems like girls are drifting away from their "girly" activities (or at least making it appear that way) and trying to get into more guy-type activities. It almost seems like some girls rather be apart of the guys, rather than being with them as a companion.
I constantly see pictures and statuses on socializing networks were a girl is displaying she prefers a typical guy interest over a typical girl interest, but why? Why is this something to be proud of? (It's nothing to be ashamed either, I'm not saying that. However I don't see it as this huge accomplishment to take pride in either.) Why is it cooler to say you rather hang with the guys than go to the mall with your girlfriends? Or watch the sports game rather than watch a romance movie? Or that you wear sneakers rather than heels? Or drink beer over coolers? Why do some girls feel the need to shout this out to the world, like it's this really attractive trait? I acknowledge that some males don't like girly-girls, but I'm sure most don't give a crap either. Actually, I wouldn't date someone based on their interests but who they are, and acting like you like something just to appear more attractive is being nothing but a mere poser. I'm not saying that all these girls are pretending either, but some of those girls I seen posting these types of statuses and bragging about how they watch the "hockey game" or "play videos", I can ensure you, they do very little to none at all.
Again, I'm not saying that all females who say they like this stuff are faking it. Far from. I'm just curious as to why it needs to be announced so often, and why being into something "girly" makes you appear less attractive or "cool".
So my question is here, since when did being "feminine" become unattractive? Also, do you guys really care if a girl got more guy interests than girl interests?
EDIT: This thread isn't about gender roles and how they're changing. There is nothing wrong with a female being into a guy-thing nor a male being into a girl-thing. That ISN'T what this thread is about. I'm wondering why some girls broadcast how they prefer a male interest over a female interest, as if it's more appealing or attractive.
Girls with guy interests and that are girly, are awesome. Who doesn't love a hot girl playing a video game with you? I would love that. I'm not even that much of a gamer, anymore, but girls still could be girly and maybe have guy interests at the same time and there's nothing wrong with that. I love shopping and i'm a guy. I dress nicely and don't wear baggy things. Just because i'm a guy doesn't mean i can't dress nicely and sharp.