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They obviously want the USA to burn and they are so close to getting there. But with our allies (GB, Canada, Australia, Japan, Germany, France) we can swiftly destroy their nonsense military and finally unify Korea under the South and if China dares interfere again they can burn with their North Korean friends. It's like WWII, no matter how much we appease them they will continue their bullshit and build up their military and in the end they will march out anyway and destroy everything.
[quote]if China dares interfere again they can burn with their North Korean friends.[/quote]Yeah, this wouldn't happen.
Your allies are not yours to command.
America wants other nations to attack them first so they can take people's rights away more effectively.
Because they aren't causing any trouble...until they do. And couldn't you say the same thing for Iran/Iraq/other countries that hate the US (be it a legitimate reason or not)?
Because the Korean War was so successful the first time.
You're going to try to kill ~ 1 billion people? Not mass genocide or anything.
North Korea's military is no joke at all. It would be a monumental task trying to take it on. They're massive, it's a good sized country, and don't forget all the people living there are brainwashed into hating America. You'd essentially be fighting the citizens as well. That's many millions more on top of their at LEAST 1,000,000 man army (plus others who aren't fit for service who they'd force into battle anyway). Combine that with the high probability that they'd throw nukes either at the USA, or at our army and nuke their own people, and it would end up being a war a thousand times worse than Iraq ever was.
[quote]if China dares interfere again they can burn with their North Korean friends.[/quote]China basically owns the US though.
Wasn't that song written by an American? It sounds real familiar.
Stupid redneck...
Because starting a war with a crazy nuclear nation on the doorsteps of Russia and China isn't a good idea.
It would serve little economic benefit to the US.
Because nuclear war because UN because no money because china owns USA because worldwar3
[quote] we can swiftly destroy their nonsense military and finally unify Korea under the South and if China dares interfere again they can burn with their North Korean friends.[/quote]I'm pretty sure we tried this already. . .