1. Over-extended military: we do not "operate as an empire" and have foreign bases at the will of those countries. Our military is not at all over-extended, and the correct term, "forward deployment", is our current strategic objective. 2. All governments face corruption. They provide no proof that it is widespread or conspiratorial. 3. Immigrants don't assimilate? Have you ever been to southern Arizona or Texas? 4. Birth control: this is actually correct. Many view the 50+ million abortions in America in the past several decades to be largely responsible for the top-heavy social security program 5. Depends on your definition of "middle class", but they comprise of up to 2/3 of our population. Wrong again. 6. Correlation =/= causation, and it's important to note that their sports centered around death and slavery. 7. Correlation =/= causation. If tax rates do not rise but instead the federal budget is reallocated to provide more welfare, then there is no increased burden on taxpayers. The article offers no insight into how redistribution caused Rome's downfall. 8. Exporting "culture": Again, has nothing to do with Rome's downfall 9. Morality: holy shit, this is the biggest cause of correlation =/= causation. Seriously, this writer sucks. 10. Inflation: legitimate point, again lacking any evidence that the issue is out of hand. Also, fkn lol'd at the "wiki.answers.com" source for further reading. Seems legit, OP.