So, this guy is clearly not "all there". He had (in his own mind) "had enough and was going to go out while making a point". His point was that certain conservative groups were so hate-filled that they needed and deserved to die. While having a snack. (I'll get to that bit later)
Armed himself, determined his target, ensured that they were not capable or likely to fight back, and... this is where it gets even more odd.
He bought 15 Chik-Fil-A sandwiches that he intended to rub into the faces of his victims as they died at his hands.
I think that some states may want to regulate high-capacity fast-food carry-out containers. Because clearly, if someone buys that many sandwiches, they are looking to either feed, or kill a lot of people very quickly.
So, the shooter was stopped by a man without a gun, after he was shot. The NRA must be [i]pissed[/i].
You know what's sad. He was not able to complete his mission.
Edited by DELIVER ME MEMES: 2/9/2013 1:53:31 AMhehe...15 of those chicken biscuits probably would kill a person if consumed. they're very good but very greasy. also, new york already banned said high capacity food.
Was going to make a Ban Sandwiches joke, but I'd miss those ones... :(
Oh, look. Yet ANOTHER Democrat/Liberal that planned to go on a shooting rampage. I'll just leave this here:
Edited by Pfhortnite: 2/8/2013 2:42:59 PMThis was clearly caused by games such as Call of Duty and Cooking Mama.
And the plot thickens....
What a shame to let that many wonderful sandwiches go to waste being used for any reason other than consumption. Also it's sad seeing someone with such a high degree of mental problems.
Jesus christ imagine what he could've done with just a few of these.
Chicken sandwiches were involved with 9/11 also
Dammit. Now I am hungry and craving a chicken sandwich. I am not saying that I would kill for one.
Why couldn't he have had intentions to kill WBC? Nobody would stand against that. Hell even the judge would throw that case right out the window and say your free to go.
Edited by coolmike699: 2/8/2013 1:08:46 AMWait, when did the attacker "ensure that they were not capable or likely to fight back"? Have you ever been to D.C.? There are armed security officers everywhere.
Bad argument and you should feel bad.
We need to legalize semi-automatic building managers now!!!
NSA National Sandwich Association
Remove assault sandwiches
Edited by Obi Wan Stevobi: 2/7/2013 8:36:28 PMI'm pretty sure giving someone 15 fast food sandwiches is considered assault with a deadly weapon already. I'm also pretty sure possession of more than 3 McRibs is attempted murder.
Ban High capacity and tactical food containers
Did he order the sandwiches with or without pickles. It could be a very important aspect to this case
Great now there will be copycat crimes, Popeyes upon the chests of liberals, Taco Bell on the clavicles of westboro members, Arby's on the tibia's of Neo [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url]'s. And of course Denny's Grand Slam's on the remains of Rush Limbaugh.
Edited by CTN: 2/7/2013 8:26:04 PMAssault Tacos
Wonder what it would feel like to have a chicken sandwich rubbed into my face...
I hate to think what the person who buys the 20-piece chicken mcnuggets is planning.
To b fair the FRC are a bunch of useless cock suckers.