Well, I learned today my one friend, Gen Fluttershy (Don't ask) will not talk to my friend SGT Applejack (Once again, don't ask. I think they watch MLP), both of which I know irl. Well after a 5 minute interrogation with Applejack, I got basic gamer rage story.
From what I understand, in the new Black Ops 2 zombie map, You can build these trampoline thing-a-ma-bobs that launch zombies out of the map.
Well I guess Applejack placed one in front of Juggernog, and launched Fluttershy out of the map. Now he won't talk to him.
I personally think Mr. Fluttershy is taking this far to seriously, and I can't seem to resolve the situation between the two, any advice?
This is from 2013. Guys, stop. Let this thread return to the archive.
I'm guessing that combined ages involved still wouldn't be able to buy a beer in the US? This is the sort of thing that my group would do to each other and laugh our asses off when it worked. Because [spoiler][u]games[/u] Are supposed to be [u]fun[/u]. And that shit's [u]fun[/u]ny[/spoiler]
Edited by Unyielding: 2/9/2015 6:15:19 PM[quote]Gen Fluttershy[/quote] [quote]SGT Applejack[/quote] Nope nope nope.
I lol'd.
[quote]Well I guess Applejack placed one in front of Juggernog, and launched Fluttershy out of the map.[/quote] And I thought friendship was magic.
Leave them to their ponies and petty grievances. Real friends don't stop talking to each other over a video game.
Why is it that 99% of these kinds of stories revolve around CoD? Seriously, you hear about these things occasionally happening in games like Halo, but it's always CoD that the stories revolve around.
OP just leaked a season 4 MLP episode.
This silent treatment behavior is totally reasonable. Wait, they're only 5 years old right?
Flutter shy should know that Apple jacks tastes good... JK I don't know how to help...