You see, Democrats are like COD players. They don't want a skill gap. They want everyone to operate on a nearly equal playing field and maintain as close to a 1.0 K/D ratio as possible.
Republicans are true MLG. They want skill gaps in their "Life" game. Some people are better with a BR (equivalent: job) than others and they think they should be rewarded for their skill. Underhanded tactics within the rules are encouraged.
Unfortunately for us hardcore players, Democrats (just like CoD) are winning in the real world because they appeal to the masses of casuals who want to compete on a higher level than what they should be able to.
Then was is conservatives?
But I am independent, OP.
Absolutely no discussion value in the OP whatsoever. Better topic suited for #gaming: The game, Remember Me. [url=]Who seems a bit excited about it?[/url]
They have both become awful Big Government parties that harm everyone equally. George Bush and Barrack Obama are carbon copies of each other.
Did you just relate politics to shooting people in the face? Leave.
1% of Americans own 40% of the nations wealth. If it was possible to elevate social/economic status (America is one of the hardest countries where one is able to do so), I might support Republican's economic plans.
Good thing lolMLG right?
LOL! While I don't entirely agree with this, I have to say, the way you connected these things is hilarious. A true masterpiece.
so democrats are stupid and republicans are autistic? sounds about right
I'd actually say Republicans support more of a COD like system. The more you play, the bigger advantage you have through improved equipment, and the better you're doing, allows you to perform even better. Instead of having a Halo-like environment where you have to earn every dollar, eventually you can earn enough money on your money that you outperform others. If real-life were a video game, you'd be able to save a tactical nuke and use it in the next match.
This is why I remain independent. I do not give a single damn :)
That's not "republican vs democrat" so much as "capitalist vs socialist" Republicans just tend to favor more capitalist policies whereas democrats tend to favor more socialist policies. Both parties have their own retarded views which makes them equally sucky though.
MLG players believe in top down economics, because making the hardcore community happy will lead to an overall healthier fan base. MLG players believe you get what you work for. Casuals want tons of little trinkets and they want gameplay catered towards themselves at the expense of hardcore competitive gameplay. Casual players believe everyone should be rewarded regardless.
I would agree if Republicans werent so stupid and redneck in the first place.
[quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Obamasauce[/quote]
For some weird reason I can actually agree somewhat, even if only at a comedical level... XD
Politics. Politics everywhere.
Da fuq am I looking at?
Edited by Vishnu: 2/8/2013 8:21:44 PMi agree on what you say but it funny is your name is obamasauce and then say Democrats are casual just saying i find if funny unless you made your name that to make fun of obama then that makes sense
There is already enough arguing in the gaming community please don't bring politics into it.
Halo 4 is like democrats. They try to hand you everything. Power weapons, map control, highlighting weapons for you.
I agree. Most of the kids on halo 4 are liberal jerks. haha.
I agree OP, I agree.